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Pros and Cons of the Four Basic Pistol Sizes and Their Uses

If you learn anything about pistols, it should be that they are not one-size-fits-all. Handguns come in an assortment of different shapes and sizes, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. To help you find the best pistol for you, let’s take a look at the four basic sizes.

The Four Typical Pistol Sizes

Full-Size Pistols

A full-size pistol, often referred to as “standard,” is the largest firearm in the handgun family. To give you an idea of their proportions, these firearms have a typical barrel length of 4.5 inches or longer and are at least 5 inches tall.

This size of handgun has a larger magazine capacity and can hold up to 20 rounds. This makes them excellent for self-defense situations. 

Springfield Armory Emissary 1911.

However, it is important to remember the disadvantages that come with having a larger-sized firearm, such as concealment. Based on their larger measurements, these pistol sizes might not be the most convenient or comfortable to holster for many individuals. I always like to keep in mind that the smaller a firearm is the easier it will be to conceal.

Full-size pistols are anything but small. This pistol size requires clothing that fits around the gun. Not to mention the ability to manage the extra weight you will be carrying around with you. To give you an example, a full-size 9mm handgun can weigh up to 2 pounds. 

One thing to note about this pistol size is that its recoil and accuracy make it great to shoot.

Recoil is the kickback of the firearm once it is discharged. Full-size pistols have less recoil than other pistol sizes because they are larger and heavier.

To add to the advantages you gain with this pistol size, it has a longer sight radius. Sight radius is the distance between the front and rear sight. A longer sight radius helps many individuals shoot more accurately without an optic.

Compact Pistols 

Next in the handgun family are compact pistols, which are smaller versions of full-size pistols. These pistols have a barrel length that is typically 3.5 to 4.5 inches long and a height that typically exceeds 4.5 inches. Most compact pistols can hold 10 to 20 rounds, which is an excellent advantage on the range or in personal defense situations. 

Pistol Sizes: Sig Sauer P365 AXG Legion.

Personally, I find that one of the most beneficial things about compact pistols is their smaller size. A smaller pistol allows an individual to conceal it much more easily. However, this smaller-sized handgun can have some drawbacks, such as more recoil when shot.

It is important to remember that the smaller a firearm is, the less mass it will have to absorb the recoil. However, in my experience, depending on the caliber you shoot, the recoil on compact pistols is pretty manageable, given you have some experience shooting.

Lastly, concerning accuracy, compact pistols have a shorter sight radius and are typically best suited to short distances.

Subcompact Pistols

Subcompact pistols are the third pistol size in the handgun family. They are known to have a barrel length that is 3 to 3.5 inches long and 4 to 4.5 inches tall. This handgun size typically only holds up to 10 rounds. For many individuals, this can be viewed as a huge disadvantage.

Walther PPS M2.

However, a great advantage of subcompact pistols is they are extremely easy to carry concealed, based on their smaller size. Subcompacts can be effortlessly concealed under normal clothing or even in pocket holsters. 

It is important to note that this handgun size does have a noticeable recoil. But that does not mean it is not manageable. Most beginner shooters will find that since sub-compact pistols are lightweight the recoil can often be described as rapid and snappy. In turn, this can affect a shooter’s accuracy. 

Micro-Compact Pistols

Lastly, micro-compact pistols are the smallest handgun size in the handgun family and are also referred to as pocket pistols. These tiny firearms have a barrel length of up to 3 inches and can hold up to 6 rounds. Since they are so small, they are one of the easiest handgun sizes to conceal, making them great for self-defense.  

Pistol Sizes: Bond Arms Honey B.

However, this handgun size does have a few major disadvantages, such as recoil and accuracy. Much like subcompact pistols, this handgun’s recoil is rapid and snappy, which can be a downside for many shooters.  

It is also important to remember that micro pistols are designed with a shorter sight radius. This can affect a shooter’s ability to aim properly. Using them at short distances is ideal for the best results with this pistol size.

Closing Remarks

It is important to understand that each of the four handgun sizes has unique quirks, advantages, and disadvantages that make it special.

In my personal experience, factors such as magazine capacity, concealment capabilities, recoil, and accuracy can help you find the right firearm. More importantly, these factors can help you find the perfect one to accomplish your individual wants and needs.