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BREAKING: Another Mass Shooting Stopped by Armed Citizen in Indiana

There seems to be no shortage of legally armed citizens using firearms to stop violent criminals in their tracks. And this weekend presents yet another example of a situation that could’ve been far worse if not for concealed carry. Specifically, this Sunday evening, as a mass shooting began to unfold, a 22-year-old legally armed citizen intervened and stopped it. As a result, countless people are still alive today.

Indiana Mass Shooting Stopped by 22-Year-Old Legally Armed Citizen

As we begin the work week, many people have a 22-year-old legal firearm owner to thank for their lives. Likewise, many families will get more time with their loved ones. The news this morning would have been far more somber if not for the action of this fast-thinking young man.

According to Reuters, “A gunman killed three people when he opened fire in the food court of a shopping mall outside Indianapolis on Sunday before a bystander fatally shot the assailant, Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison said.”

According to reports, two other bystanders sustained injuries, which includes a 12-year-old girl whose injuries were mild. Fortunately, both injured parties are in stable condition. However, of the four victims hit by gunfire, one was male, and the rest were females. Law enforcement has not released the gender or age of the three that died.

Reports show that the attacker entered the mall with a rifle and several magazines and began firing at the food court. The 22-year-old from nearby Bartholomew County was legally carrying his firearm in the mall when the attack began. As soon as the shooting started, he acted quickly, shooting and killing the armed assailant.

It is unclear at this time whether it is related, as this story is still developing, but police also found a suspicious backpack in a bathroom near the food court. The contents have not been reported yet. states, “’The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began,’ [Greenwood Police Chief Jim] Ison said.”

Indiana Constitutional Carry Law

Although all indications suggest that the 22-year-old hero had a CCW, it is worth noting that Indiana Constitutional Carry Law went into effect on July 1, 2022. This means that even if he didn’t have a CCW, he still would have been legal to carry his firearm.

According to, “As long as you are 18 years old or older and not prohibited from possessing a firearm, you are legally allowed to carry concealed under the new Constitutional Carry law. This goes for residents and non-residents of Indiana.”

In addition, Indiana will still issue handgun licenses, with five-year or lifetime permits available. With the permit, you will still be able to enjoy reciprocity in other states.

A PDF released by Indiana State Police states, “On July 1, 2022, the State of Indiana will no longer require a handgun permit to legally carry, conceal or transport a handgun within the state. This law DOES NOT allow everyone to carry a handgun as Indiana law contains certain criteria which must be met for a person to legally carry within the state.”

The PDF then goes on to list the criteria of prohibited persons, which is very similar to most CCW/CPL requirements.

The evidence is clear. If you want to stop mass shootings and save lives, have more armed bystanders like this young man around. And it looks like Indiana is heading in the right direction.