In the upcoming September 2014 issue of GUNS & WEAPONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, author Brian Jensen travels to the Artemis Defense Institute, a leader in virtual reality simulators for LE and civilian training.
Jensen writes, “Artemis Defense, owned and operated by Steven and Sandy Lieberman, is a young company that began in 2013. In an attempt to bring firearms training into a different arena than just the realm of the firing range, the company utilizes three VirTra training systems, the V-100, V-180 and V-300 (all corresponding to the angle of engagement).
“In the Artemis Defense facility, or ‘lab’ as they call it, all three systems are set up for different training scenarios. The VirTra V-100 is reminiscent of the old single-screen firearms scenario trainers we are familiar with. The V-180 gives you three screens with forward and side-angle threats. The biggest is the VirTra V-300, and it’s as close as you can get to a full 360-degree, virtual shoothouse.
“As for trainers, Artemis’ staff comes from all walks of the firearms arena. Law enforcement, military and civilian experts bring their experience to the classroom at Artemis, and their own perspective. Artemis also has a ‘train the trainer’ program to train an agency’s staff to facilitate training in their lab.
“The system uses numerous interactive videos, all filmed based upon current law enforcement, military and civilian deadly-force scenarios. Artemis will even work with the end-user to create scenarios for their specific areas. The company can simulate Middle Eastern landscapes, a school in Southern California or maybe a street in your city. Even fellow officers of your own agencies can be incorporated into the simulation as a ‘virtual cover officer.’”
To learn more, check out the September 2014 issue of GUNS & WEAPONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT, available on newsstands and digitally May 27, 2014. To subscribe, go to