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WATCH: How to Defend Yourself Against an Attack with a Knife

While a gun is the best means of self-defense, there are times when packing can be unrealistic or even illegal. This, of course, doesn’t stop criminals who have no regard for laws. For these times, folks need to have at least some understanding of unarmed fighting skills. But using unarmed fighting skills against a knife attack comes with very serious implications. These tips will help prevent serious injury in the event you find yourself in a defensive situation against a knife.

Defending Against an Attack with a Knife

Successfully defending against a firearm requires a certain level of training or a high level of luck and excellent timing. However, in fighting off or escaping a knife attack, individuals with quick reactions and some degree of knowledge can come out ahead in the situation.

The first solution will always be avoidance if possible. You can often achieve this via situational awareness; you see potential danger, and you leave.

Now, one thing people need to understand is that there is a very good chance a person will be cut in a knife fight. Even if an attacker is inexperienced, he or she can cause serious harm with a blade by simply swinging it with abandon.

A UF PRO Research Department video demonstrates that you need to be prepared to receive some injuries if you have to defend yourself against a knife wielding attacker. Also, the video shows four tactics that will help improve your odds and decrease the amount of personal damage sustained.

Avoiding & Escaping a Knife Attack

In the video, the experts show four different ways of handling a knife attack. Something folks need to understand, though, is that this video is not a tutorial. It is only designed to make one think about possible ways of overcoming an attack of this nature.

Everyone should obtain training both for guns and unarmed defense. But, in the interim, these tips will help mitigate personal damage.

  1. Run Away: Knives are close-up weapons. So, running is one of the best ways to avoid being hurt. Sure, the attacker can give chase, but won’t in most instances; this could bring unwanted attention to the attack. Especially if you have the opportunity to get the attention of a police officer. And very few people have the ability to throw a sharp object accurately.
  2. Hands Up Movement: It might be necessary to use your hands to protect vital areas of the body. This includes the head, neck, chest, and stomach. Most attackers target these areas. Getting your hands up also puts them in a position to fight.
  3. Get Close: In most circumstances involving a knife, attackers want to keep their distance and slash. So, getting inside the attacker’s space inhibits his ability to attack and allows you better control of the knife hand.
  4. Surroundings: Being aware of surroundings creates options. Of course, the actual surroundings can sometimes reduce options, such as blocking an escape route. However, these same items can be used to escape.

The Aftermath

Utilizing these tactics will help until you figure out how to escape the situation and get to safety. Likewise, immediately calling 911 will alert the local police department of a violent criminal in the area. With violent crime rates rising in the United States, we must do everything possible to help get criminals off the streets.

Likewise, as mentioned, sustaining an injury during the attack is entirely possible. So, you may also need medical assistance immediately. Alerting 911 to the situation not only alerts law enforcement but it will also get medical en route.

Although these four tips give you an idea of what to do if you face a knife attack, qualified training is still important. Proper training in any self-defense discipline is important before attempting something like this in real life.

This article is meant only as last-ditch tips if you find yourself in a knife attack unexpectedly, without proper training. It is not intended to replace actual instruction from a certified instructor.