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Championship Chopper | Browning Firearms ABS Knives


There are few companies that can match the name recognition of Browning Firearms. The Browning name and designs have been a leader in the industry longer than any of us have been alive. It is also nothing new to see the Browning name attached to sporting knives and recently this line was increased to include the designs of several well-known ABS (American Bladesmith Society) Mastersmiths.

browning2.gifTo carry this collaboration even further, Browning is now offering a unique knife—one that owes its design to ABS legends James “Jim” Crowell and Reggie Barker. These gentlemen are the only two to have won the ABS’ “World Cutting Championship.” For those not familiar with these cutting competitions, it is a game started as a friendly competition between members of the ABS. It was fun and a good way to self-test their products. As bragging rights grew, so did the competition. The ABS no longer sponsors these events, but Blade Sports International, Inc. was formed and has taken this new sport to higher levels.