High Speed Gear (HSG) has three new products for 2014 to outfit your tactical kit. The Extended Pistol-TACO Universal Mag Pouch will fit most high-capacity handgun and subgun magazines, as well as other equipment such as large flashlights and collapsible batons. The HSG TACO High Capacity Rifle Mag Pouch is designed to secure high-capacity rifle and Saiga-style shotgun magazines, as well as many law enforcement/military handheld radios. In a joint venture with NOLATAC, the NOLATAC Multiple-Mission Medical TACO (M3T) allows for the customization of your medical kit while using various manufacturer inserts and trays. All three products are available in multiple color patterns. The color pattern of Kryptek Highlander is not currently available, however all HSG kits will be available in this pattern on a limited run in February 2014. For more information, visit highspeedgear.com.