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Houston: Concealed Carry Permit Holder Shoots at Robbers

A man with a concealed carry permit opened fire on a pair of burglars leaving his neighbor’s house in north Harris County, Texas over the weekend.

ABC13 reports that the incident occurred at a home on Forsythe Lane in Houston. An 80-year-old man was asleep on the second floor of his home when two men kicked in his back door and started taking items from the house.

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The two suspects were leaving through a back gate carrying a flat-screen TV and assorted Christmas presents when a neighbor stopped them and asked what they were doing.

Police say the suspects dropped the stolen goods, jumped inside their getaway vehicle and tried to run the neighbor over.

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The neighbor pulled out his concealed carry handgun and shot five times at the car.

The suspects managed to get away, slamming into a parked vehicle as they hastily sped off.

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The neighbor and homeowner were both uninjured, and Harris County Sheriff’s deputies are checking local hospitals for gunshot victims, ABC13 said.

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