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Houston Wife Pulls Gun, Saves Husband From Three Armed Attackers

A Houston wife pulled out a gun and came to the defense of her husband after three armed men attacked him outside of their home, demanding money. But the woman proved cool under pressure, scaring off the attackers.

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Houston Wife Saves Husband

The incident began while the husband worked outside their home, according to That’s when he noticed a black four-door car slowly drive by his home. It makes a sudden U-turn. Then two armed men jump from the vehicle and run up on him.

Footage shows the black car pull into the driveway as the first two men run off camera toward the husband. Then the driver exits the vehicle, throws on his hood and joins in on the attack. One man can be seen wearing a mask, and footage shows at least two of the attackers carrying pistols.

The men then dragged the man into his house, where they demanded money, according to That’s when the wife heard the confrontation and raced to get a gun. She came out of the bedroom and pointed her own weapon at two of the attackers. One suspect fired in her direction before all three ran away, according to

The woman avoided any injuries during the attempted robbery, reported. Police reportedly described the suspects a black men, ages 30 to 32, ranging from 5-foot-9 to 5-foot-11, and weighing around 225 pounds. Crime Stoppers offered a reward up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspects. For more information, visit