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IACP Launches Law Enforcement Cyber Center

The following is a release from the International Association of Chiefs of Police:

On May 18, 2015, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) officially launched the Law Enforcement Cyber Center — — at the 39th Annual Law Enforcement Information Management (LEIM) Conference in San Diego, California.

Cyber crime is a global threat to the economic and physical security of all nations. Law enforcement organizations must be prepared to recognize and investigate these crimes.

“Combating cyber crime is one of my top priorities as President, and I am proud that the launch of this Center is happening during my term,” said Chief Richard Beary, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Fla., and IACP President.

The IACP developed the Center in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, RAND Corporation, and the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), and with funding from the Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment.

The Center features strategic partnerships with numerous other organizations who provide training, technical assistance, and other resources to law enforcement agencies and criminal justice practitioners, including the FBI, Secret Service, National White Collar Crime Center, SEARCH, Center for Internet Security, and many others.

The Center is an online portal that educates and builds the capacity of justice and public safety agencies to prevent, investigate, prosecute, and respond to cyber threats and cyber crimes. The Center is designed to address three principal areas: cyber crime investigation, digital forensics, and information systems security. As you browse the Law Enforcement Cyber Center, you will find dedicated resources for chiefs, investigators, and line officers, as well as prosecutors.

The Law Enforcement Cyber Center will leverage the broad range of resources, training, technical assistance, and research currently offered by partner organizations worldwide. Rather than duplicate existing investments, the Center will channel users to existing tools and resources, and help guide and contribute to the development of new solutions where needed.

The Law Enforcement Cyber Center is designed to be a national resource and will help provide support by facilitating information sharing among justice practitioners, the private sector, academia, and other stakeholders as the cyber landscape is ever evolving.

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