While Glock is synonymous with law enforcement, it is also a favorite in military circles. It is no secret that 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (1st SFOD-D), referred to as Delta Force, carried Glock 19s early on. Today, the Marines Special Operations component MARSOC is packing a Glock 19 as well. Let’s look at the MARSOC Glock.

To say that the Marines are old school is an understatement. They are OG to the bone, and when it came time to choose a new handgun, they originally chose a custom 1911. In 2012, the Marine Corps did a deep dive into choosing a new handgun for MARSOC. They ultimately awarded the contract to Colt for nearly 10,000 new Close Quarter Combat pistols. These were custom 1911s designed to replace the well-worn M45 pistol. It came complete with a custom trigger, rail, and tritium low-light sights. They were and still are exceptional handguns.
Custom 1911 vs Glock 19
However, MARSOC operators had a voice in what they carried. They found that many of the troops preferred the handy Glock 19. While there are many reasons why, access to 9mm ammunition and replacement parts were at the top of the list. They also found that the Glock 19s were easier to run and more reliable in the field.

With that feedback, the Corps issued a Marine Administrative Message, or MARADMIN, that green-lighted Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, or MARSOC, units to use the Glock 19. While the age-old argument of .45ACP vs. 9mm raged in this decision, the Glock 19 still won the day. Modern ammunition and magazine capacity are two critical factors in a war fighter’s mind. A Glock 19 chambered in 9mm checks both of those boxes.

Popular in Special Operations
The decision is unsurprising since the U.S. Army Special Operations Command also chose the Glock 19 for its elite units, such as the 75th Ranger Regiment. While not as sexy as a custom 1911, the Glock 19 is a reliable tool to have on you in a fight. The Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command understands that and chooses Glock for those at the tip of the spear.
For more information, visit: https://us.glock.com/en