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Concealed Carry 101: Considerations for Off-Body Carry

On-body carry is inarguably the most proficient way to carry a firearm. While this knowledge is strongly advocated for, the numbers for off-body carry are rising. If off-body carry is not the better option, why are people utilizing this method? There are several reasons a person would opt for this: situations where it is the only option, desire to have an off-body backup gun, fear of carrying on body, and lastly, it seemingly requires less effort—the latter two reasons being the most dangerous.

Considerations of Off-Body Carry

Sometimes, on-body carry just isn’t an option, even with the advancements of non-traditional on-body carry holsters such as belly bands or clothing with built-in carry compartments. In times like these, a firearm in a safe and effective off-body option is better than no protection at all.

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If the reason for this choice is from fear of the gun or simply because it sounds “easier,” that is when it becomes a dangerous option. Fear proves there is a lack of confidence, education, and training. In this case, a person is not ready to carry a gun. You must respect the firearm and what it’s capable of while also being able to handle it with controlled confidence.

The idea that off-body carry is the easiest option is a misconception. It’s not as simple as just placing the gun inside of a bag. Incorrectly utilizing a bag to carry your gun creates a greater risk for something to go wrong. This is especially true if it is surrounded or buried by other items within the bag.

Likewise, this carry method opens the door to additional responsibilities and potential liabilities. Off-body carry requires a heightened sense of awareness in conjunction with specific education and skills. Before anyone chooses this method to carry their gun, it is imperative to become educated and physically train for it.

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Always Keep the Bag with You

It cannot be stressed enough that the bag always needs to be with you. This is a loaded firearm that you are carrying off your body, so there is no room for mistakes. The bag should never be off your body or out of your hands.

Off-body carry requires a heightened sense of awareness in conjunction with specific education and skills.

Hanging the bag on the back of a chair, setting it inside a grocery cart, or placing it on the floor at your feet are just a few examples of habits with bags that should not happen. It is natural to feel in control if we know where the bag is and it stays within sight.

Being hands-off, even if you can see it, is unsafe and puts you and others at risk. It’s imperative to remain in constant control and never become separated from your bag and risk your gun falling into the wrong hands.

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Train with Your Off-Body Option Before Carrying It

Training with your off-body carry option is required. Just because you have a gun in your bag doesn’t mean you’re automatically safe and ready to go. In the event a threat surfaces, you may only have seconds to present your gun. You need to be able to access your gun quickly and effectively.

Training with dryfiring, practicing your draw, and live fire at the range with your bag will help you build confidence and speed. It will also help you determine the gun position for ease of draw. Not to mention how you need to handle the bag for retention and fast access. When seconds matter, no one can afford to fumble around to access their gun.

Picking the Right Off-Body Option

In addition to training, choosing the right off-body carry method is just as important. This is no longer limited to handbags for women. There is an increasing number of men choosing off-body carry as they see more diversified carry options on the market.

Backpacks, gym bags, sling packs, fanny packs, and even day planners are now available for off-body carry. It is fantastic to have options, but just because something is on the market doesn’t mean it’s a good choice.

In addition to training, choosing the right off-body carry method is just as important.

Thankfully there are great companies who understand this and have taken time to incorporate what is needed for reliable function.

Your off-body carry choice should have a dedicated firearm compartment. This separates the gun from other items, prevents trigger obstruction, and offers the fastest access. This compartment should include a strong velcro/holster combination that keeps the gun from shifting and maintains good retention.

This compartment should include a strong velcro/holster combination that keeps the gun from shifting and maintains good retention.

The holster should be firm to give you the best trigger guard protection possible. These dedicated spaces are typically enclosed with a zipper that offers fast access. The goal is to be able to unzip the compartment, establish proper grip, and draw your gun quickly.

Make Sure You Select Quality Options

Quality hardware is also important and often overlooked. Check the hardware that connects the zipper tab, handles, and straps. Cheaply made hardware is likely to fall apart and not function properly.

For example, if you quickly unzip your bag to access your gun and the zipper tab breaks away, you will not be able to unzip the bag to access your gun. This is also important for handles and straps so the bag cannot fall away from you.

Check the hardware that connects the zipper tab, handles, and straps.

I recommend off-body carry options with a cross-body strap that enables you to position the firearm compartment against your body. Doing this allows you to orient the bag for ease of draw. It also allows you to be hands-free when needed, while keeping your bag on your body.

Remember, the goal is to not be separated from the bag.

Properly Done, Off-Body Carry is a Viable Option When Necessary

There is much to consider when it comes to the responsibilities of off-body carry. With proper education and training, this can be a great option for times when on-body carry isn’t feasible.

Gun ownership comes with great responsibility. Whether it’s for hunting, home defense, or concealed carry, it is every gun owner’s responsibility to become educated and train.