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DISCUSS: Would You Buy a $2,000 Pistol Slide for Your SIG or Glock?

We’re normally the first people to defend a high price on firearms and even some accessories. When we see keyboard warriors question the price of a new gun without ever having fired it, it drives us nuts. We understand that everyone has a budget. We also understand that you might shoot a $500 pistol as well as you’d shoot a $5,000, but sometimes the performance warrants the price tag. Our sister site Personal Defense World published a great piece on gun prices. But there is something that a reader sent us recently that made us do a triple take: A $2,000 pistol slide. Yeah, even we flinched. Let’s take a look.

The Trinity Nevada Pistol Slide

I am generally not a fan of gold barrels and comps on handguns, especially 9mm handguns. But I got to say, the complete slides from Trinity Nevada definitely caught my eye. Trinity Nevada’s Ground Zero (for Glock 17, 19 and 34; Gen3 and Gen4) and Pirho (for SIG P320) are a sight to behold with a hefty price tag to gasp at.

Let’s get the sticker shock over with. Trinity Nevada sells the Glock slides starting at $2,000. Meanwhile, the SIG slide comes in at $2,200. It includes competition tuning on your provided frame. For Glock frames, that consists of a custom locking block, optional trigger tune, and optional frame stippling. For the SIG folks, Trinity will install an adjustable flat trigger, optional trigger tune, and a stippled grip frame. 

The slides themselves are built with an integrally compensated match-grade barrel, 17-4 stainless steel slide, Dawson Precision sight, deep serration cuts, and an optic cut for a Trijicon RMR. Slide and barrel coating is available in DLC Black PVD, TiN Gold PVD, or Brushed Stainless Steel. Everything, of course, comes with a lifetime warranty.

How Much Would You Spend on a Pistol Slide?

So who is Trinity Nevada? Well, it bills itself as “rogue engineers of the firearm industry, who build modern firearms by disrupting the traditional ways of thinking and design.” There’s no doubt what Trinity Nevada is putting out there is eye catching, but that price tag …

So we have to ask the question: Would you spend $2,000 or more on a pistol slide? Think about it — Trinity Nevada’s slides equal the price tag of about three to four Glocks or SIG P320s.

How much would you spend on a pistol slide?

$2,000 or more
$1,000 to $1,999
$300 to $999
Less than $300

Also, we realize all this talk of SIG and Glock may have some of you fired up about which of those is better. We’re not weighing in there. However, you can. Personal Defense World posted a “SIG P320 vs Glock 19” poll that’s nearly split down the middle after 10,000 votes. Feel free to get involved there. In the meantime, for even more info, please visit