The U.S. Air Force has selected the TYR Tactical EPIC as the standard plate carrier system for its Security Forces.
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According to the leaked memo posted by Soldier Systems, the Air Force Security Forces Center tested out plate carriers submitted by four different manufacturers. The TYR Tactical EPIC won out over the others in terms of ballistic protection, functionality, price and a few other factors. The TYR Tactical EPIC is sized for both men and women. Read the full memo below:
- AFSFC/S4 recommends AFSFC/CC, as the USAF Category Manager for Security and Protection, approve the Tyr Tactical EPIC for the standardization and procurement of plate carriers for Security Forces Airmen.
- AFSFC/S4 conducted a complete review of mission and ballistic requirements and the offerings from each of the top four manufactures. It was determined the Tyr Tactical EPIC is the best value in terms of ballistic protection, functionality, sustainability, comfort, price, and availability. The Tyr Tactical EPIC is also the only ballistic plate carrier to offer sizing based on female shape, form and function.
A few years ago, the TYR Tactical EPIC was submitted for the Army’s Soldier Protection System Torso and Extremity Protection (SPS TEP). As Soldier Systems notes, the service opted to go with a government design.
Below, see the specs for the TYR Tactical EPIC Enhanced PICO Carrier.
TYR Tactical EPIC – Male
- PALS webbing for MOLLE attachment
- Hydration/Communication Tabs for routing
- Attachment points for a 2-Wire Cutaway Cummerbund (Sold Separately)
- EPICTM Low Profile Shoulders
- Includes the Patented Ballistic Vein
- Reinforced Drag Handle
- Removable Assaulters Zip-On Back Panel
- Repair Buckle Kit
- Wt. 6.55 lbs Medium Carrier with T52/SPSoft Armor
- Semi-Rigid Exterior MOLLE Cummerbundwith Two Attachment Options (See Below)
- Compatible with the XFrame Patented Dynamic Load Carriage System
TYR Tactical EPIC – Female
- Patented Female Shape
- Utilizes the Patent Pending Integrated Ballistic System
- PALS webbing for MOLLE attachment
- Hydration/Communication Tabs for routing
- Single-Handed 4-Wire Cutaway
- EPICTM Low Profile Shoulders
- Includes the Patented Ballistic Vein
- Reinforced Drag Handle
- Front Plate Patent Pending Soft Ballistic Ridge (ESAPI Shape Only)
- Removable Assaulters Zip-On Back Panel
- Lace Adjustable Cummerbund
- Repair Buckle Kit
- Wt. 6.55 lbs Medium Carrier with T52/SP Soft Armor