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Windsor Heights PD Holding RAD Self-Defense Course

The Idaho-based Windsor Heights Police Department is looking for residents who are interested in participating in a women’s education and self defense course called Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.).

Dates of the course have tentatively been scheduled for Monday and Tuesday evenings on June 16-17 and 23-24 from 6-9:30 p.m. at the Windsor Heights Community and Event Center.

Class size will be limited to 20 students and attendance at all classes is recommended to complete the program successfully. There will be a one-time registration fee of $25 due prior to the first class along with pre-event paperwork and waivers. Returning students are welcome at no charge.

The RAD program for women’s basic self defense is the largest nationally recognized women’s self defense organization in the world. Classes encompass 12 hours of education and awareness topics mixed in with hands-on, active self defense techniques and strategies. The final class in the series is a culmination of the material presented where three separate, active simulation scenarios are given to students to apply what they have learned in the classroom.

Women of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend.

“The objective of the basic RAD program is to develop and enhance the options of self defense so that they may become viable options for a woman who is attacked,” said Chief Dennis McDaniel, of the Windsor Heights Police Department, a long-time certified RAD instructor. “We work with our students to educate them on general awareness issues and also strive to create confidence in the application of some basic self defense techniques.”

Women interested in the program, high school age and above, may contact Officer Woods at the Windsor Heights Police Department during normal business hours at (515) 645-6829 or email her at Registration for the course will be at City Hall, 1133 66th Street.