Cylinder & Slide Glock 26 9mm
Daily back-up gun for 14 years gets upgraded to ultimate carry pistol!
Daily back-up gun for 14 years gets upgraded to ultimate carry pistol!
Small duty specific rifle for urban HIGH-RISK operations!
Ultimate compact laser-sighted 1911— ensures rapid and accurate shot placement!
Rapid Assault/Primary Tactical Rifle— a go-to-war pre-accessorized rifle!
Pocket full of defense for concealed carry or back-up!
Enhanced concealed carry pocket pistol with XS Sights and CTC Laserguard!
No-nonsense 1911 for carry, home defense or competition!
Lightweight and compact, it’s ready for concealed carry!
Reliable, safe, affordable it’s your 5-shot personal protector!
Celebrating 20 years of reliable, powerful, concealable snubbie power!