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Tag: Gun Facts, Statistics & Studies

Guns are a hot topic in the United States and there is no shortage of gun facts to keep the debate going. There are many different opinions on guns, and the debate over gun control is a heated one. However, there are some gun facts that everyone should know.

Since the early days of American history, guns have been a part of the country’s culture. Here are some facts about guns in America:

– According to the National Rifle Association, there are approximately 300 million guns in America, which equates to about one gun for every American citizen. Of those 300 million guns, an estimated 100 million are handguns.

– The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world, with 89 guns per 100 people.

– Americans love their guns – a 2015 poll found that 56% of respondents said they owned a gun for protection, while 37% said they owned a gun for hunting.

– Gun violence is a serious problem in the United States. There were 33,636 deaths due to gun violence in 2014, and over 70,000 injuries.

-The average cost of a new handgun is $500, while the average cost of a new rifle is $750.
-Most gun owners (66%) keep their guns locked up and unloaded when not in use.

-Background checks are required for all gun sales in only 22 states and Washington D.C.; private sales and sales at gun shows are exempt from background checks in most states.

-More than 60% of Americans support expanded background checks for all gun sales.

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