Five-shot snubbie with a .40-caliber bark — no moon clips required!
Unmanned mini-helicopter that can fire teargas, grenades and 12 gauge buckshot from above!
FNH USA is pleased to announce the introduction of the new FN FNS-9 and FNS-40 striker-fired autoloading duty pistols to the American law enforcement and commercial market at the 2012 SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Built in the USA by a company with over 100 years of experience in the
State-of-the-art fighting 1911 with performance that matches its looks!
Medium-range suppressed machine gun for heavy covert CQB support!
Selecting the right gun and holster with the right tips and tactics for a highly capable mode of carry!
Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC has teamed up with Crimson Trace Corporation for the first ever Lasergrips®, grip-integrated laser sight emblazoned with the Colt® logo, which is now standard on the Colt New Agent® pistol. This compact, lightweight Colt 1911 series pistol with wrap-around, front activation laser sight, gives shooters increased