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The ISOtunes SPORT Caliber hearing protection are a great choice for any shooter

ISOtunes SPORT Caliber Hearing Protection Review

Marketing frequently works on me, specifically marketing for hearing protection. That’s how I ended up with a set of the new ISOtunes SPORT Caliber bluetooth enabled earbuds. ISOtunes Sport Caliber Technical Specifications The Caliber earbuds are individual buds, with no connecting wires to get tangled up. They claim 25 db

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9mm ballistic testing sometimes involves destroying watermelons

9mm Ballistic Testing: Eight Brands in a Showdown

9mm ballistic testing is always a fun topic. The 9mm is versatile by nature, and has grown to become the most popular handgun cartridge in the world. It strikes the balance between stopping power and recoil that defenders have been seeking since long before its creation. Relatively inexpensive practice fodder

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Phlster has partnered with champion shooter Julie Golob

PHLster Partners with Champion Shooter Julie Golob

PHLster LLC, announces its partnership with professional shooter and IPSC World Champion Julie Golob. Julie Golob’s Reputation is Unmatched in the Shooting Community Julie Golob is one of the most accomplished female shooters in the world. Her impact on the firearms industry goes beyond her more than 50 world and

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Henry repeating arms 25th anniversary celebration begins this year

Henry Repeating Arms 25th Anniversary Celebration

This year marks Henry Repeating Arms 25th Anniversary celebration. They’re one of the country’s largest long gun manufacturers and the leading lever action maker. Henry Repeating Arms 25th Anniversary Celebrates a Proud History Henry Repeating Arms Founder and CEO Anthony Imperato took his first step into gun making by taking

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Do pistol compensators actually do anything?

Pistol Compensators: Do they Work and are they Worth the Money?

Pistol compensators. They’re extremely popular right now, to the point that several manufacturers are now offering in house compensated guns. But do they actually work? How Pistol Compensators Function All compensators work in largely the same way. The ports in the comp redirect some of the expanding gas behind the

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Fund the police said President Biden in the state of the union

Fund the Police: The President Gets One Thing Right

It looks like “Defund the police” wasn’t polling very well. In his State of the Union address, President Biden reversed the anti-cop rhetoric of his party, with a strong message: Fund the Police. Did Plummeting Approval Numbers Cause this Change? The answer is not to defund the police. It’s to

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Ammunition to Ukraine to support the war effort is Ammo Inc's offer

AMMO, Inc Offers One Million Rounds of Ammunition to Ukraine

I need ammunition, not a ride. The words of Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelenskyy struck a chord with many Americans, including the CEO of AMMO, Inc. They’ve offered to donate one million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine. Why Donate Ammunition to Ukraine? Fred Wagenhals, CEO of Ammo Inc., explains: Ammo Inc.,

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IPSC has sanctioned Russia in a move that ends all Level 2 and 3 matches in the country

IPSC has Sanctioned Russia, Cancels all Major Matches in Russia

While not significant on the international scale, the International Practical Shooting Confederation, IPSC has sanctioned Russia. This is response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that continues to rage at this time. Statement by the President of IPSC Dear IPSC family, We condemn the breach of peace committed by the Russian

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