Georgia Gun Owner Stops Robbery in Progress, Kills Alleged Suspect
Anti-gunners sure like to claim that guns do more harm than good, but it just isn't so. Guns are used ...
Anti-gunners sure like to claim that guns do more harm than good, but it just isn't so. Guns are used ...
The .22 Long Rifle is without a doubt the most popular metallic cartridge in the world today. And I’m not ...
Over the last few years, a lot of shooters have come to like inside the waistband appendix holsters. These shooters ...
Released in 2017, Hostiles is a Western film written and directed by Scott Cooper. The story is set in 1892 ...
Century Arms recently announced the company has began importing the popular AES10B and PSL rifles again. Moreover, the Romanian-produced arms ...
We caught up with Aimpoint at this year's SHOT Show in Las Vegas to check out the company's FCS 13RE. ...
iFrame is not supported! The Brownells Retro Rifle lineup is, at its very core, fun. There's something to be said ...
It is just as important for a woman to carry a gun as a man. In fact, it might be ...
C Products Defense announced the company is making its Duramag available to the North American civilian market. Moreover, built previously ...
Weatherby recently announced the release of two commemorative rifles marking the company's move from California to Sheridan, Wyoming. Moreover, the ...