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Federal Court: Plans for 3D ‘Ghost Guns’ Are Legal To Be Posted Online

The. 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco sided with gun builders Tuesday. It ruled 3D plans for the erroneously coined “ghost guns” are once again legal to be posted online. The ruling vacates a lower court injunction filed by 22 state attorneys general and the attorney general for the District of Columbia.

Plans for 3D Ghost Guns Legal for Web

The verdict marks only the latest battle in a seemingly continuous war waged by the left to stop Americans from being allowed to build their own guns. In 2015, federal courts first applied State Department Munitions List requirements on 3D plans, reported AP News. But three years later Trump settled a lawsuit, ordering removal from that list. Now the 9th U.S. Circuit Court again states federal law prohibits courts from overruling that State Department decision.

Judge Robert Whaley cast the one dissenting vote in the 2-1 judgement. He said ghost guns present “a serious threat to public safety,” linking ghost guns to mass shootings, reported AP News.

But Judge Ryan D. Nelson saw things differently, siding with actual law. “Because both the DOS and Commerce Final Rules are unreviewable, the States have not demonstrated the requisite likelihood of success on the merits … Congress expressly barred judicial review of designations and undesignations of defense articles under the Control Act and of any functions exercised under the Reform Act. Accordingly, the district court erred in reviewing the DOS and Commerce Final Rules, and its injunction is therefore contrary to law.”

Americans maintain a right to build guns at home. 3D plans only make that task easier in many ways. Combined with 3D printing technology, 3D plans ushered in a new era in home gun building by law-abiding gun owners.

We don’t expect this to by any means end the fight to protect 3D plans, 3D printing or creating so-called ghost guns at home. President Joe Biden made it clear he wants ghost guns gone. So stay tuned, this story will continue to develop we’re sure.