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Ammo Shortage Update: Demand Will Likely Continue Outpacing Supply

More grave news emerged today for anyone who loves sending rounds downrange. An ammo shortage update survey conducted by noted outdoor market research firm Southwick & Associates predicts the shortage will likely continue. An April 2021 survey concluded demand will outpace supply for some time to come.

Ammo Shortage Update: The Great Shortfall Continues

The survey asked more than 1,800 consumers about ammunition purchases. It found four out of five consumers encountered out of stock items. A reported 79-percent partially or fully reduced their shooting volume as a direct result. Meanwhile, ammo companies remain seemingly hopelessly backlogged.

Even more somber, the situation will likely continue unabated. Nearly two-thirds of ammo consumers report their ammo inventory remains lower than they prefer. A reported 43-percent said “much more” ammo needed, while 38-percent said they needed at least “a little more” to replenish stock. With only 17-percent of shooters satisfied, the data suggests consumers will continue to panic buy and hoard rounds. The reasons leading to ammo purchasing proved very telling.

Consumer Reasons More Ammo Needed

  • Uncertainty about future ammunition supplies (72%). This is especially true among consumers 45+ years of age.
  • Uncertainty about future restrictions on ammunition purchases (70%).
  • Uncertainty about future economic conditions (54%).
  • Increased shooting and hunting activity (26%). This was more common among the 25-34 year-old consumers.

“At some point, demand will certainly soften,” reports Rob Southwick, President of Southwick Associates. “However, frenzied purchasing and empty shelves often fuels further increases in demand. We do not see demand softening in the near future.”

It’s been a pretty challenging year and counting now. First the coronavirus pandemic sent gun and ammunition buying to unprecedented highs. Then the George Floyd murder kicked off a summer of violent protest across the country. As tensions increased across America, an unprecedented number of new gun buyers turned to firearm purchases. Finally, the most anti-gun platform in American history ascended to the presidency with the Biden-Harris administration. It’s no wonder consumers still want to stock up on guns and ammo.