Top 10 Ambidextrous AR Safeties [2022]
Studies estimate that anywhere from 70 to 90 percent of people are right-handed. If that’s the case, then why would...
Studies estimate that anywhere from 70 to 90 percent of people are right-handed. If that’s the case, then why would... A video currently going viral on Reddit proves an age-old adage among many of us: Stay strapped! It also...
Take it as you will; the AK can easily stand for Amanda Kaye or the TOPS A-Klub. Either way, both...
The iconic 1911 handgun has been in continual use since the U.S. Army first adopted it over 100 years ago....
A few tips on what to do to avoid getting lost in the wilderness, and how you can enhance your...
How to choose the right rifle for taking game in the field and pesky critters around the homestead.
One of the most unpleasant things about shooting is the deafening sound that accompanies each shot fired. A combination of...
A monster of an announcement out of Ruger today–the Marlin Model 1895 Guide Gun returns. The release marks the first...
iFrame is not supported! We broke big news earlier this week, with the launch of the SIG Sauer MCX-SPEAR-LT. The...
Back in August, we brought you news on the new Anderson Manufacturing Precision Series. It sparked immediate interest, with four...