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Biden to Sign Gun Control Executive Order to Bypass Congress

It’s hard to believe it has only been a couple of years since Democrats labeled Republicans as fascist dictators. However, I notice fascism isn’t on their list of bad things anymore. Maybe because their fascism is showing as President Biden issues an executive order, bypassing Congress on gun control measures. Using executive order to get around the Bill of Rights seems like a pretty fascisty fascist thing to do.

Biden Signs Executive Order to Bypass Congress on Gun Control

President Biden will be signing an executive order today (Tuesday, March 14, 2023) to increase more federal gun control measures. The measures include an increase in the use of “red flag” laws and more background checks. Of course, this comes from a President whose son lied on a background check form to obtain a firearm and faced no repercussions. Laws for thee, not for we.

Along with pushing universal background checks and “red flag” laws, the EO will also seek to attack the firearm industry.

According to the White House Briefing Room, it will “strengthen efforts to hold the gun industry accountable and accelerate law enforcement efforts to identify and apprehend the shooters menacing our communities.”

With all of the “soft on crime” policies in Democrat-run cities and states, you have to wonder who this is targeting. For example, in the recent MSU attack, prosecutors had recently dismissed felony gun charges, instead charging the perpetrator with a misdemeanor. So, who exactly do they plan to “identify and apprehend”? Clearly not actual criminals.

Additionally, Biden is also “encouraging” the FTC to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors. But it goes even deeper than that. He is also “encouraging” the FTC to report how firearms are marketed to all civilians. This includes the use of military imagery. If you think back, this is how they all but killed the tobacco industry. It’s an effective tactic, and they know it.

The executive order reads like a Democrat wish list and is a complete end run around the Second Amendment.

Full List of Actions

Below is the full list of gun control actions listed within Biden’s executive order. The list is taken from the White House Briefing Room website; further explanation is available there for each item.

Keeping guns out of dangerous hands

  • Increase the number of background checks by ensuring that all background checks required by law are conducted before firearm purchases, moving the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation.
  • Improve public awareness and increase appropriate use of extreme risk protection (“red flag”) orders and safe storage of firearms.
  • Address the loss or theft of firearms during shipping.

Holding the gun industry accountable

  • Provide the public and policymakers with more information regarding federally licensed firearms dealers who are violating the law.
  • Use the Department of Defense’s acquisition of firearms to further firearm and public safety practices.
  • Encouraging the independent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to all civilians, including through the use of military imagery.

Additional steps to make our communities safer and support communities impacted by gun violence

  • Help catch shooters by accelerating federal law enforcement’s reporting of ballistics data.
  • Accelerate and intensify implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA).
  • Improve federal support for gun violence survivors, victims and survivors’ families, first responders to gun violence, and communities affected by gun violence.
  • Advance congressional efforts to prevent the proliferation of firearms undetectable by metal detectors.

When a President completely circumvents the Constitution, we have a problem. Hopefully, lawsuits will follow quickly to put a stop to this. However, on a more optimistic note, the next President will have it within his purview to undo this EO once in office. Let’s hope 2024 provides such a President.