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Ceramic vs Steel Knives: Is One Better or Are They Just Different?

There’s nothing better than a knife with cold, hard steel backing it up. Or is there? Today, more and more knives can be found with ceramic blades. This newbie variety of the knife world is gaining traction from both novice and seasoned knife users.

Ceramic vs Steel Knives: Is One Better?

Are ceramic knives better than steel versions in one way or another? Or are they a fad that will fade in the coming years due to the public’s lack of interest? Not to mention a lack of purchasing such a seemingly unorthodox product?

Below, we’ll take on the battle of the blades. Using five categories, I’ll discuss the pros and cons of both. Then, you, the consumer, can make an educated decision if you’re going with traditional steel or all-in with the new kid on the block—the ceramic knife.

Availability On the Market

This category is an easy one. Steel blades are much more plentiful on the market today. This isn’t surprising since they have been around for roughly four thousand years (in their current knife-like appearance).

Stainless steel blades are relatively newer, at just over a hundred years old. The knives were created using a new “rustless” steel from Harry Brearley. After a few incarnations, the stainless steel knife was born. These knives found their home in kitchens across the United States and Europe, praised for their non-rusting and easy-cleaning properties.

So, between high-carbon and stainless steel blades, a person’s choices are unbelievably extensive in all knife categories. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the ceramic knives.

In the culinary world, ceramic blades are becoming preferred for a number of reasons. These knives offer numerous benefits for chefs and kitchen prep workers, including safety. Specifically because ceramic knives aren’t prone to slipping or sliding, have exceptional cutting properties, and have incredible sharpening ability.

So, if this was only based on knives used in culinary arts, the winner would be ceramic.

Overall Durability

Durability is a complex category. On the surface, it basically means how long the knife will last until you need to replace it. However, durability also can be identified as how it holds up to various outside factors. And, although its usefulness may be in decline, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to discard it.

Ceramic knives have properties quite different than their steel counterparts. First, they are impervious to rust and stains caused by cutting certain foods. They also don’t experience corrosion like steel knives when slicing foods rich in acid and salts.

Ceramic is less absorbent than steel, so it won’t alter the flavor of the food either. These properties all contribute to the overall durability of the ceramic blade. Although they are more lightweight than steel, they are both stable and flexible. So, they have a “give” when they cut, decreasing their chances of breaking in hard materials.

Now, for steel, this can get a bit tricky to decipher. Steel contains carbon as its primary element. Simply put, the more carbon (or high carbon steel) there is, the greater the edge retention (its ability to hold a sharp edge). However, this comes at a price, and that price is brittleness.

Higher amounts of carbon produce a blade more prone to chipping, breaking, and overall brittleness than their low-carbon counterparts. So, who reigns supreme on durability? The win will go to a low-carbon steel blade over ceramic. But mind you, the knife’s edge will be sorely sacrificed, so it’s not a clean victory.

Ease Of Sharpening

A dull knife is both not very useful and a safety hazard for the user. So, the ability to sharpen a blade easily and effectively is an absolute must.

When dealing with steel, we run into the same problem as with durability. There is a tradeoff between strong steel that is difficult to sharpen and more brittle steel that sharpens with relative ease. Steel varieties run the gamut between these two extremes. So, depending upon your choice, you’ll have it very easy or very difficult with a steel knife.

Ceramic blades sharpen to a razor-like edge, but there is a catch here, too. It’s very difficult to properly sharpen ceramic blades at home. Made from extra-hard zirconia, it takes an equally hard diamond sharpening tool to effectively sharpen your ceramic knife.

It’s best to let professionals handle the sharpening of your ceramic blades. This way it will be done properly and take the stress off of you.

These results for both steel and ceramic are mixed. So, I will call a tie for this one.

Blade Performance

A blade’s performance depends upon what materials are placed under the knife. Ceramic knives are much lighter and sharper than steel knives, so they are perfect for fine slicing and detailed cutting. They go cleanly through most edible-based materials with relative ease.

With that said, ceramic knives are not designed for purposes other than these types of tasks. They shouldn’t be used as pry tools or screwdrivers and can’t rip through tough materials that take force. The blade can break or chip in these cases.

Hacking through bone, leather, or canvas can take its toll on the ceramic knife. And the result could very well be a broken blade. Through regular use, however, ceramic knives hold their edge far longer than steel.

Hardcore tasks should be left to the steel-bladed knives. With an all-around thicker and more heavy-duty frame, a steel knife, though less sharp than ceramic, can hold up to rigorous use. This includes both a rural and an urban environment.

Comparing Costs

The variety of steel blades runs the gamut with quality and features. However, the price of such knives can also be quite extreme. You can pick up a decent blade for twenty-five dollars or spend up to four hundred dollars or more on a knife.

Many factors play into a steel knife’s pricing, including where it’s made, what materials are used, and what extras it comes with. Such as a leather sheath, cordage, survival accessories, etc.

Also, knives that are made in the USA in smaller, specialized shops can go for more money than those that are mass-produced overseas. Of course, they are typically much higher quality.

Ceramic knives, on the other hand, have a tighter range in pricing. Yes, the better-quality knives are more expensive than the cheaper versions. However, the differences are much closer to one another than the wide range that steel knives display.

You can get an exceptionally good ceramic knife for thirty dollars up to one hundred dollars without a noticeable change in quality.

And The Verdict Is…

Is there a clear-cut winner when comparing a ceramic with a steel knife? I have to say no. They both have their benefits, as well as their drawbacks. Each version of the knife can fit specific needs, so both can be beneficial for you.

It’s best to try all forms of both, keep what works for you, and discard the remaining. Using this trial-and-error method will provide you with a well-rounded knife collection. One that is not only unique but highly practical for whatever jobs, both big and small, come your way.