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Concealed Carry Laws by State [2023]

Here’s a list, current as of 2023, of concealed carry laws by state. After the list, read on for explanations of CCW laws across the country.

United States concealed carry laws map

Concealed Carry Laws by State


  • Connecticut – May Issue
  • Delaware – May Issue
  • Maine – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Massachusetts – May Issue
  • New Hampshire – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • New Jersey – May Issue
  • New York – May Issue, with New York City having its own system
  • Pennsylvania – Shall Issue
  • Rhode Island – Shall Issue
  • Vermont – Constitutional Carry


  • Alabama – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Arkansas – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • District of Columbia – Shall Issue
  • Florida – Shall Issue. Open Carry is banned with or without a permit
  • Georgia – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Kentucky – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Louisiana – Shall-Issue
  • Maryland – May Issue
  • Mississippi – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • North Carolina – Shall Issue
  • South Carolina – Shall Issue
  • Tennessee – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Virginia – Shall Issue
  • West Virginia – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits


  • Illinois – Shall Issue
  • Indiana – Shall Issue
  • Iowa – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Kansas – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Michigan – Shall Issue
  • Minnesota – Shall Issue
  • Missouri – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • North Dakota – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue issue permits
  • Ohio – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • South Dakota – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Wisconsin – Shall Issue


  • Arizona – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Oklahoma – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Texas – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Utah – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits


  • Alaska – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • California – May Issue
  • Colorado – Shall Issue
  • Hawaii – May Issue
  • Idaho – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Montana – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits
  • Nebraska – Shall Issue
  • Nevada – Shall Issue
  • New Mexico – Shall Issue
  • Oregon – Shall Issue
  • Washington – Shall Issue
  • Wyoming – Constitutional Carry with Shall-Issue permits

Concealed Carry Laws By State Discussion

The interstate traveler has 50 different sets of rules to deal with, plus overriding federal law. For safety and peace of mind when traveling, the concealed carry laws by state are worth knowing.

massad-ayoob.gifI write more than a few articles each year, and this one is always the hardest. The reason is because nothing else I’m assigned to write about has 50 or more facets on its surface. Every one of them is capable of changing at a moment’s notice.

In other countries where I’ve carried guns, the license usually covers the holder anywhere in the nation. Here, the operative word in “United States” is “states.” There are 50 of them, each with its own set of gun laws. It’s a patchwork quilt made up of half a hundred pieces.

What’s Permitted at Home vs What’s Banned Somewhere Else

That worked out reasonably well a hundred years ago. That was when this country still had an agrarian-based economy and most ordinary folks still grew up, lived, and died within 50 or 100 miles of where they were born. Today, we Americans constitute the most mobile society on earth. A road trip might take you through several states in a single day.

The states have universal reciprocity with your driver’s license. That’s not so with your concealed carry license. The differences are many. For instance, carrying a gun without a piece of paper that authorizes you to do so is perfectly legal in Alaska, but will get you popped for a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on the second offense in New Hampshire, and will see you convicted of a felony for the first offense in New York. There are states where any honest, law-abiding citizen can get a permit to carry. Meanwhile, there are states where only the rich and powerful are likely to obtain one.

The Ever-Changing List of Laws

I’ve long since given up on trying to publish lists of concealed carry laws by state in an annual magazine since they change so frequently. Just about every week, you hear that State A has added State B to the list of issuing authorities whose gun carry permits they’ll recognize. Meanwhile, State C has announced that it will no longer be reciprocal with State D.

I recommend visiting for concealed carry information. Founded by Steve Aikens and Gary Slider, this site “has its feelers out” and stays on top of changes in handgun laws, with an emphasis on concealed carry rules. There are links to each state’s official websites. This is where you can pick up the fine points of their regulations.

pulled-over.gifFirst, let’s get a little terminology thing out of the way. Some absolutists and semanticists like to debate whether that little paper that authorizes CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) is a “license” or “permit.” Not having time for semantics here, I’ll use them interchangeably.

If you want to carry a concealed handgun in this country, there are four different approaches you’ll have to deal with depending on where you are.

Constitutional Carry

Under this system, no permit or license is required to carry a loaded, concealed handgun in public, though certain places (courthouses, for example) may be off-limits. For many years, Vermont was our only such state. A few years ago, Alaska took the same route. One is merely forbidden to “carry” if one is a convicted felon, has been adjudicated mentally incompetent, or has criminal intent. And yes, in both Vermont and Alaska, these laws extend to visitors from out of state. Since that time, many other states have joined the list of Constitutional Carry states.

gunmap.gifThis seems to have worked well for the relatively short time it has been in place in Alaska. It has worked famously well for the long time that it has been in place in Vermont. For many years Vermont has proven to have the lowest crime rate in the nation. You’d think this would tell the other states something about Free Carry.

About the only real problem Vermont had with this system was that with no permit of their own. When other states offered reciprocity, pistol packers in the Green Mountain state had nothing to reciprocate with. The savvy lawmakers who brought the Vermont Model to Alaska picked up on that. Alaskans today have the option of a shall-issue permit and it’s recognized by many other states.

west-virginia.gifShall-Issue Permits

It is on this front that activists for gun owners’ civil rights have won the most important series of victories in the last 20 years. Circa 1987, the state of Florida went from a system where it was optional for the authorities to give out such permits (and they were only good in the county where they were issued) to a license that authorized the holder to carry statewide. Moreover, the law was written so that the permit could not be denied to any law-abiding citizen with a clean criminal record who could show a minimal acceptable level of firearms safety training. This is known as Shall-Issue licensing.

Later on, the “Florida Model” was soon copied across the land. It has been wonderfully successful. Nowhere has it triggered the increase in spontaneous violent crimes that its opponents predicted. Indeed, the norm seems to be that violent crime against the person goes down after these improved legislative reforms are passed.

Shall Issue means that the appointed issuing authority can’t turn you down because they don’t like the color of your skin or the way you vote, or the idea of ordinary people carrying guns. Currently, shall issue is the most popular form of concealed carry.

May-Issue Permits

As the term implies, issuing authorities in these states may issue permits if they choose. Those authorities are not required to do so. This is also known as the “Discretionary” system. The permits are issued at the discretion of the authorities. This old system is rife with corruption. In one big city, the story on the police force was that the cops in charge of issuing permits were transferred more frequently than vice cops because police bosses saw the position as being ripe to draw tantalizing bribes for the “victimless crime” of allowing people to protect themselves from criminals.

This is not to say that the authorities take bribes, mind you. In May-Issue jurisdictions, when a list of carry permit holders is published, it tends to comprise the wealthiest members of the community. New York State Penal Code 265, which encompasses this sort of regulation, requires that the issuing authority set its own standards as to who will get permits, and then stick to it.

Rules for Thee But Not for Me

In New York City, one standard set was that the individual was likely to carry large sums of money. When Old West gunfighter Bat Masterson became a sportswriter in New York City, he wrote that the law in its wisdom allowed both the rich and poor to have ice, it was just that the rich had it in the summer and the poor had it in winter. New York City’s interpretation of the concealed carry privilege seemed to be similar, the rich and poor alike can get carry permits, so long as they carry large amounts of cash or other valuables. In other words, you can say it’s a case of “rules for thee but not for me.”

States that currently hold to the May-Issue rule include California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. The District of Columbia technically falls in this group as well, though one wonders how someone who lives there can utilize the permit. In D.C., possession of handguns by all but police has long been banned in that jurisdiction. Fortunately, that ban has been struck down by the SCOTUS decision in the Heller case.

May I Be Issued a Permit, Please?

May-Issue systems lend themselves to the sort of decisions for which the legal system coined the term “arbitrary and capricious.” In Hawaii, while technically it’s possible to get a carry permit, it just isn’t possible in real-world practice. I am aware of three having been issued there to private citizens during my adult lifetime. One went to the civilian armorer who serviced the Honolulu Police Department’s duty weapons. Another was held by the Governor, who got it when he was Lieutenant Governor. The third didn’t last long, a Honolulu Police Chief issued it to his sister-in-law but had to take it back when the newspapers got wind of the story. On the other hand, I hear that a few hundred carry permits have been issued in the last few years to security guards in Hawaii.


As of 2023, there are no longer any US states that completely deny the right to carry a concealed or open firearm. As noted above, in some May-Issue cities such as Miami have such arbitrary and capricious permitting systems as to be functionally no-issue. Other states, such as New Jersey and New York only issue permits to the rich, famous, and connected.


Gun owners’ civil rights groups have made great strides in gaining reciprocity. That is, there is more recognition of permits issued in other states. Reciprocity keys on agreements between the Attorney General of the given states. The carry permits that seem to have the most reciprocity, as many as 30 or so states, come from Florida, New Hampshire, and Utah.

Some states have “total reciprocity,” in that they recognize permits issued in all other states. Indiana and Michigan have had this policy for as long as I can remember, and it has always worked well. More common, is “limited reciprocity,” which means that only certain states’ carry licenses will be recognized by the given jurisdiction. Sometimes this is because the given state insists that the other state have requirements at least as strict as their own, and sometimes it’s simply a case of “we’ll recognize yours if you’ll recognize ours.” There are also some states that will only recognize your out-of-state permit if you live in the state where it was issued.

Some other states will not recognize outside permits but will issue their own non-resident permits. Check out for the lists of who recognizes whom. You’ll also see which states issue non-resident permits, and where to apply for the latter.


The careful armed citizen who knows the law and fills out the paperwork can broaden their concealed carry world dramatically. For instance, it has long been believed that New England was a bastion of anti-gun sentiment, but the fact is that the responsible gun owner who dots every “i” and crosses every “t” can become legal to carry throughout that six-state region. Vermont does not require a permit to carry (though some towns there have reportedly enacted concealed carry bans. Check which ones before you go there). New Hampshire has a long list of states whose permits they’ll recognize reciprocally. It also issues non-resident permits through the State Police in Concord, the capital city. Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island also have non-resident permit procedures in place, though you may encounter progressively difficult procedures as you attempt to obtain them.

The bottom line is that the concealed carry picture is brighter right now than it has ever been. We who worked for it can congratulate ourselves, but we can’t rest on our laurels. Above all, there is still much work to do. We as gun owners need to still be aware of concealed carry laws by state.