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VIDEO: Dianna Muller Tells House Judiciary Committee ‘I Will Not Comply’

DC Project founder Dianna Muller spoke before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, for a pivotal hearing dubbed “Protecting America from Assault Weapons.” The former law enforcement officer, professional shooter and industry veteran served as the only true firearms industry representative present during the hearing.

Her initial statements came from a prepared statement, where Muller gave background on the founding of the DC Project, which lead her to appear before the House. She explained that the DC Project exists to dispel misinformation about guns and gun owners. The organization brings one woman from each state to meet with legislators as gun owners and Second Amendment supporters.

Dianna Muller and the DC Project

“Every DC Project member has a story and many of these women, like the victims of the recent mass murders, have endured unspeakable violence themselves or lost loved ones,” Muller’s statement read. “Their stories are similar to that of Kate Nixon. According to reports, Kate knew her co-worker was unstable and felt he would ‘shoot the place up.’ Her husband encouraged her to take a pistol to work, but she didn’t want to break the rules.

“She followed the policy that was supposed to keep her safe, a gun free zone,” Muller continued. “Kate went to work the next day and was killed in the Virginia Beach tragedy. These laws and police take away a woman’s right to choose. Gun rights are women’s rights! That’s why I’m honored to be here, to be a voice for the millions of women who share my beliefs, but are not represented in mainstream media or are squelched on social media.”

Later, Muller turned her attention to the AR-15 itself. She stated the rifle serves as a “great equalizer,” protecting against more powerful adversaries or greater numbers.

Dianna Muller Advocates for AR-15

“Ordinary citizens are safer when they have the tools to defend themselves and their families, and that includes the AR-15. As a woman, I’m likely smaller and less equipped for violence than an attacker or if I’m outnumbered by people who may do me harm, my firearm is the great equalizer and levels the playing field. I married late in life and for most of my adult life, I lived on my own. There were so many times I heard a bump in the middle of the night, but I had a peace about having an AR-15 by my side. I own and carry firearms not to take a life, but to protect a life. I am worth protecting. My family is worth protecting.”

Following initial statements, Muller went on to answer several questions from the committee. She explained she wanted all citizens to be their own first responder and decried the existence of gun free zones. She further stated “we feel it, we know it,” that what Democrats really want is to ban all firearms across the board. And when asked if she thought “semi-automatic hunting rifles” should be banned, Muller answered with a resounding “No!”

“We are law abiding responsible gun owners, and please don’t legislate the 150 million people just like me into being criminals. It has happend. You’ve already done it. The legilation on bump stocks; I was a bump stock owner. And I had to make a decision do I become a felon, or do I comply. And like that gentlemen that just got escorted out, I will not comply with the Assault Weapons Ban.”

Well done, Di.