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Firearms, Writing, And Fred Mastison: An Inside Look At Forceoptions USA

We get a lot of questions sent our way here at Skillset Magazine, so we thought it was a good idea to grab ahold of one of our favorite people in the firearms industry to help answer some of them. To some of you, he may be a familiar face. For the rest of you, we hope he soon will be. Fred Mastison is a wealth of knowledge and was more than willing to sit down and help answer some of the most commonly asked questions.

A Friendly Chat With Fred Mastison

Fred is probably one of the most well-rounded instructors on the face of the earth. Not only does he teach people how to use firearms more proficiently, but he is also a master of the sword, a combatives instructor, and manages to write articles and contribute to some of the industry’s top magazines in his spare time.

I was able to catch up with Fred recently here in his home state of Arizona in between some training sessions and pick his brain a little bit about what he does for a living. We get to hear about his love of instruction, his past Aikido life and pick his brain about what it takes to be a writer in the firearms industry.

You’ve watched the videos, learned a thing or two, and are ready for more, so now what?

Looking for more information on how to sign up for a class at Forceoptions? Just click on this link here.

Big thanks to the fine folks at Trueshot Gun club for graciously allowing me to take control of their facility for a day to record this interview. If you’re looking for ammo, go hit them up and be sure to tell them Skillset sent you.