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Georgia Campus Carry Bill Advances in Senate

The following is a press release from the National Rifle Association

Legislation aimed at improving safety on college campuses in Georgia, continues to advance through the legislature despite stiff opposition from an out-of-state gun control group funded by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Today, the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 859 by a 5 to 3 margin and is now headed to a vote on the floor of the Georgia State Senate.

“This important law will make Georgia campuses safer places to attend class and work,” said Catherine Mortensen, National Rifle Association Spokesperson. “Despite the best efforts of out-of-state gun control groups funded by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg, law-abiding citizens are a step closer to being able to exercise their constitutional right to self-defense on college campuses across Georgia.”

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House Bill 859 would allow adult college students the same right to defend themselves on campus that they already have off-campus. Under the proposed law, law-abiding Georgia Weapons License (GWL) holders would be allowed to carry when they are in or on any building or real property owned by or leased to any public technical school, vocational school, college, university, or other institution of post secondary education.

“Georgians are smarter than New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg gives them credit for and they see right through the lies and scare tactics,” said Mortensen. “Despite Bloomberg’s best effort to force his gun-control agenda on the Peach State, this critical campus safety legislation has significant grassroots support among law-abiding citizens who want to have the freedom to exercise their constitutionally protected right to self-defense, wherever they are located.”

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New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, opposes the legislation and is airing television ads in opposition to HB 859. The television buy is part of the gun control group’s misinformation campaign that claims campus carry is dangerous and will result in a spike in crime and firearm accidents. Facts do not support these claims.

“As this bill moves through the legislature Michael Bloomberg’s efforts to defeat it will only intensify, we encourage anyone who supports the Second Amendment to speak out. Tell your legislators to support HB 859 and opposes Michael Bloomberg’s anti-freedom agenda,” concluded Mortensen.

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HB 859 now moves to the full Georgia State Senate for a vote. The House of Representatives passed HB 859 on an 113-59 vote. The National Rifle Association has rallied support for this important legislation and is encouraging NRA members and Second Amendment supporters across Georgia to contact their lawmakers.


  • People who have carry permits are statistically more law-abiding than the general public.  For example, Florida has issued over 2.7 million carry permits – the most of any state – and has had to revoke only 0.006 percent (six one-thousandths of one percent) of them because of firearm crimes by permit holders.
  • Amanda Collins is a good example of why campus carry laws are needed. Collins, a young college student in Reno, NV who was brutally attacked and sexually assaulted on a campus. She had a valid concealed carry permit at the time, but was not allowed to bring her firearm on campus. She was raped at gun point by a man who illegally had a firearm on campus. Below are 2 links to her story: