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Glock Tales of the Gun

Kentucky Glock Transition
Back in 1999, I was the head of training for a mid-size department in Kentucky. We were looking to transition to a standard pistol. I contacted several firearms manufacturers about obtaining a trial weapon. The criteria was that it had to be .40 caliber, it must be reliable and affordable, last; no de-cock.

Only two manufacturers responded to my request. I won’t go into detail about the other brand, but it was obvious from the start it was, well, “non qualified”. As other agencies in the area were pointedly interested in our transition results, we strived for a thorough weapons trial.  It became apparent very soon in our test that the Glock 23 and Glock 22 were the hands down favorite! The Glock representative was very helpful and only required we give back the weapon parts with the serial numbers on them. I will tell you we tried very hard to break those two trial weapons!

We ran over them with a Crown Vic. We froze them. We soaked them in dirty water. We threw them down the concrete range floor! We could not break those guns! All we did was lube them and fire them. Over 2,000 rounds a piece with no stoppages!

We gave them back to Glock a little scuffed and a whole lot dirty. Our shooting scores went up to 80% and zero break-ages! I have been carrying a Glock for twenty years. I totally rely on it to carry me and my officers, home safe. As a critical incident survivor, I can tell you I was glad to have it that day!

The whole region I police now carry Glock pistols. It just has to work, day in and day out. Glock. There is no substitute!

 —Chief Christian Redman
Hurstbourne Acres Police
Hurstbourne Acres Kentucky.
“ An Accreditated Agency”

Boomerang River Glock
A great friend and hunting buddy of mine was white water rafting with his family in West Virginia’s New River a few summers ago. My buddy always carried his GLOCK 19C with him keeping it stored in a non-waterproof fishing bag in the front of his rubber raft. Unfortunately, on this particular trip, the raft overturned on one of the rapids and everyone and everything in the boat went swimming, including the bag with his GLOCK. The fishing bag was last seen, sinking to the bottom of the New River.

Twelve months later, my friend was approached by one of his friends that knew he had lost his GLOCK. The fellow purchased a gun that was fished from the New River. He was willing to sell this gun to my buddy.  My buddy looked at the gun and thought it looked familiar since it was a 19C with night sights. Upon closer inspection, he found that this gun had the same chipped return spring that his had and after comparing the serial numbers on the gun case, he discovered his gun had found it’s way back to him.
My friend’s GLOCK had been lost in the New River for nearly a year. It had very little corrosion inside and out and after loading it with fresh 9×19 ammo he discovered the gun still fired accurately.

—K.K., Esq.

Wedding Glock
Last August, my oldest daughter was getting married. Part of the arrangement with my future Son-in–Law was that I wanted him to get a pistol permit, to protect his new family.  He completed all of the paperwork and was in the market for a GLOCK. Being young, newlywed and broke, he could not afford to buy one.  My wife and I needed to get them a great gift for their marriage. I planned on buying him a GLOCK but due to the poor economy and having lost my job with three more kids at home, we could not make a purchase like this.

Christmas was rolling around and so was his new pistol permit.  I was working again but still in a bad place financially and could still not afford to get them a gift. At that time, I made the decision that since he was now protecting my child, he needed only the best, so I gave him my GLOCK as a family Christmas present. My wife tried to talk me out of this decision as this was my personal carry piece, but she soon agreed they needed the best.  I gave the GLOCK a thorough cleaning, put it in its case and wrapped it up. You should have seen their faces!

He is a responsible concealed carry citizen and I sleep better knowing my daughter and new granddaughter, are safe.  As for me, I have been saving my pennies and nickels for a replacement GLOCK 30.  The economy is still bad so it is going pretty slow, but good things are worth the wait.

—Angelo P.

Escaped Bear
Spring, 2009: our environmental education center received a 2-year-old black bear from another nature center. The bear weighed approximately 175-200 lbs.  The bear was in excellent physical condition upon arrival.  Our facility was currently in possession of a black bear. This particular bear was approximately 18 years old and weighed an estimated 300lbs.

The Bear Exhibit consists of an exterior 8’ high chain link fence with 9 strands of heavy gauge electric fence powered by a 100-mile charger.

The new bear was kept in quarantine for one week. The quarantine area enabled both bears to become acquainted with one another. Neither bear showed signs of stress or abnormal aggression during quarantine. The new bear was released into the larger enclosure. Upon release, both bears exhibited normal behavior. We expected one of the bears to establish dominance.

Our staff continued monitoring the two bears. That morning, I was notified that the new bear was attempting escape. Before I arrived at the enclosure, I called our veterinarian to request a chemical immobilization agent.  The bear had bypassed the electric fence and was atop the chain link fence over a pond. The older bear clearly had established dominance and the new bear was trying to escape.

This being a typical day at our facility, we had approximately 100 guests including 60 kindergarteners who were on a guided tour. Through cell phone communication, the naturalists who were guiding the school children were notified of the situation. They escorted the classes to a safe area. The veterinarian was still en route with a chemical immobilization agent.

During the whole incident, my main concern was for the safety of our visitors and staff. I was not willing to put the lives of visitors and staff in jeopardy if the bear escaped. I was armed with a personal, concealed GLOCK 23 handgun. I did not want to kill the bear; however, I was prepared to do so if it breached the fence.

The bear finally did fall from the fence into the pond. It started quickly swimming towards my staff and me. I had a tough decision to make and I had to make it quickly. I fired 6 well-placed rounds, dispatching the bear before it reached the edge of the pond and the open area of the nature center.

This was the toughest decision I have had to make in the 15 years I’ve worked at our learning center.  I hate that this turned out the way it did. As tough as the decision was, I could not put the lives of our guests and staff in danger.

— S.M. 

Proud Glock Owner
I was thankful that I had my GLOCK by my side on July 25th, 2010! What seemed to be a normal, lazy Sunday morning was disrupted, when we heard our doorbell ring. Being a little bit on-guard, my wife and I looked out of our bedroom window and noticed a car that we did not recognize in our circle driveway. By this point, the single ring had turned into repeated ringing and pounding on the door, which prompted me to retrieve my GLOCK 26 from my nightstand, just in case. Still watching out the window, we saw the individual go back to his car and return with an accomplice. By now I knew the intent and pushed my wife into our master bathroom. I instructed her to call 911 and lock the door while I headed toward the front of the house, GLOCK in hand. As I got closer to the door I heard the first kick; then as I rounded the corner to our entry way I was face-to-face with the first individual as he kicked through the door. I indexed on him and commanded him out of my house, causing both men to flee very quickly. I followed the two out, again indexing on the car as it sped away. Although I did not fire a shot, I am thankful that it was my GLOCK that I was using in case I had to pull the trigger. The two men were caught later in the week and we were able to ID them. They are currently in jail, awaiting trial.

D.P. –
Proud GLOCK Owner
Arlington, Texas

Glock-The Sunnyside of Life
Last year was tough. I was working in global management and was faced with a pink slip in September 2009. I had interviews ending in disappointment. While continuing to look for work, I lost 50 pounds and sought help from a specialist. He informed me that I had Crohn’s, and a rough road ahead. Faced with life-changing events, I focused on my hobby—shooting Glocks. I found an article in GSSF about civilians taking the Armorer’s course. I found this a way to boost my attitude and regain my health.

In February 2010, I received my Armorer’s certificate from the Arlington Police Academy. My next step was buying tools and parts, but establishing a line of contacts to utilize my certification was challenging. While continuing my job search and coping with my illness, I practiced detail stripping my Glocks, installing the new parts and studying trigger configurations and installations.

I met a Texas DPS Certified Instructor, Ken Theaker, in a barber shop in Flower Mound. He wanted to add me to his team to maintain his Glocks for his CHL courses. I began my Armorer career and met Russ Kerbow, the Police Chief of the Lewisville Police Department to help his organization in Denton, The Heroes of Denton County. I was able to donate a Glock that I upgraded which raised $3,500 for a good cause to support LE fallen heroes in the line of duty.

Through Glock, I gained a new skill set, and new friends I would have never met which positively impacted my health by giving me a mind set that whatever life throws at me – I can overcome the challenges!

Thanks Glock!
Bernard Hernandez
Certified Glock Armorer
Flower Mound, Texas

Durable Glock 21SF
On October 26th 2009, I was driving my motorcycle when I was struck by a vehicle [that had] ran a red light. My brand new GLOCK 21SF was concealed on my waist. The vehicle struck me on my right side, sending me flying off the bike and onto the roadway. My GLOCK took a good hit, but received only minor scratches to the bottom of the magazine well and the magazine. I was more upset and worried about my new firearm than I was about the bike and myself. When I was well enough, I test fired—my GLOCK performed as well as it did the day I took it home from the gun shop. I would like to credit the GLOCK staff that made such a durable pistol. In fact, I believe it saved me from additional injuries. Thank you all for making such a great firearm.  

—F.P. AL