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Hearing Protection Act Reintroduction: Getting Safety Passed in Congress

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) reintroduced a bill recently that everyone in the firearms industry wants to see move forward. The Hearing Protection Act reintroduction puts S. 2050, a bill co-sponsored by 14 additional senators, before Congress. The bill would create greater access to firearms safety devices, changing regulation to that of a standard firearm.

Hearing Protection Act Reintroduction

“This legislation to remove burdensome regulations surrounding an accessory to a firearm is long overdue. The firearm industry is grateful to Senator Crapo for his continued leadership to enable safer recreational shooting and hunting to be more accessible to law-abiding gun owners,” said Lawrence Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “The Hearing Protection Act would reduce unnecessary barriers to what is essentially a muffler for a firearm that enables more accurate marksmanship and allows shooting ranges to be better neighbors. Suppressors were originally listed under the National Firearms Act over poaching concerns during the Great Depression, but that never bore out. They reduce the report of a firearm from a level equal to a jet taking off to one similar to that of a jackhammer. Firearm suppressors are a safety device designed to make recreational shooting safer.”

The Hearing Protection Act, introduced by Sen. Crapo in previous Congressional section, would reclassify suppressors. The regulation would remove the NFA status of 1934. Instead, suppressors face regulations similar to traditional firearms. It would also cease the overly-burdensome federal transfer process with an instantaneous NICS background check. Finally, it would tax suppressors under the Pittman-Robertson Act. Revenue would put funds into state wildlife conservation agencies, a benefit to shooters and hunters.

The Hearing Protection Act would refrain changing laws in states already preventing suppressor use or ownership. Neither does it eliminate background check requirements. But it would remove some ridiculous hurdles gun owners face. Representative Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) introduced similar legislation in the U.S. House earlier this year.