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Hoist IV-Level Hydration: Built for the Range and the Battlefield

You’ve been on the range since sun up. You’re carrying your rifle and loaded down with what you are pretty sure is 300 pounds of gear. You have been doing the responsible thing and drinking water, but you can feel the gas running out. Then you tried a scoop of the usual suspect hydration mix, but all it did was upset your stomach. You look at your watch and see that you are hours from completion and the temp just keeps climbing. What to do now? I would be lying if I said this had never happened to me. In fact, I think it has happened to almost anyone who seriously trains. We work hard and lose fluids in the process.

HOIST IV-Level Hydration

The fact is that in these intense situations, drinking water alone is challenging for proper rehydration. You need a rehydration solution or powder to replenish the lost electrolytes and bring you back to balance. This is especially true here in the Arizona desert where you can begin to dehydrate just by breathing the hyper-dry air. There are countless products on the market that make big claims, but almost all of them fall short in one category or another. In fact, there is only one on the market right now that can meet our rehydration needs and it’s called HOIST.

How HOIST Works

HOIST is unlike other hydration drinks because of the way it works in your body. I consider myself pretty well versed in nutrition and its effects on the body, but my conversation with HOIST founders Ben Schmidt and Kelly Heekin turned into a science lesson. The drink uses a very specific blend of carbohydrates, electrolytes and fluids that closely match your body’s natural osmolality. Osmolality is a measure of how much one substance has dissolved in another substance. The higher the osmolality, the greater the concentration of the dissolved substance.

One way to think of it is that osmolality is a lot like density. HOIST is formulated to match natural human osmolality, so the body doesn’t have to move water, electrolytes or carbohydrates in or out of your digestive system before absorption. HOIST just goes right to work hydrating, restoring, replenishing and revitalizing your movement and your focus. Not only does it replenish your body immediately, but it is also clinically proven to keep you hydrated longer than water.

HOIST hydration with military.

Apart From the Rest

Like you though, I had to ask, “What about the others on the market?” Rachel Trotta, the director of Partnerships, explained that sports drinks that have a high concentration of carbohydrates and electrolytes have a high osmolality. Because of that, they force the body to pull stored water into the gut to mix with the sports drink before it can pass into the bloodstream. This creates a delay in hydration and can contribute to muscle cramps and sluggishness.

The opposite problem exists with hydration solutions like water and zero-calorie sports drinks because they have a lower concentration of carbohydrates or electrolytes. This means they have a lower osmolality. Because of this, once you drink them, they force the body to pull stored electrolytes into the gut to create the proper osmolality, which also creates a delay in hydration and can cause improper electrolyte balance. This can also cause cramping, sluggishness or the feeling of water belly.

Balance is Key

HOIST is formulated in perfect balance with the ideal combination of water, carbohydrates and electrolytes to match the body’s own natural osmolality. It’s absorbed almost instantly and goes to work replenishing your body with what it needs to perform as soon as you drink it. HOIST contains an ideal blend of electrolytes, including sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium and calcium. They serve a variety of functions in the body, including the regulation of nerve and muscle function, balancing blood acidity and blood pressure, and helping damaged tissue rebuild. The most impressive thing I learned was that this magic juice hydrates you 110% better than water. A claim backed up by clinical research prepared by William M. Adams, Ph.D., Hydration, Environment, and Thermal Stress Lab Director Department of Kinesiology, at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro.

As I mentioned, I had the chance to speak to the team at HOIST and get the backstory on the drink. Schmidt and Heekin graduated together and, like many of us, considered Pedialyte as a serious tool for rehydration. In discussions though, they decided they wanted something new, and the project was launched. Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, they jumped right into the deep end with the goal of getting HOIST into the hands of the military. The process was arduous and took years. Their efforts paid off, however, and now HOIST can be found on about 80% of military bases. HOIST is now making its way onto consumer shelves across the country as well. It can be found in premixed bottles as well as in powder packs you mix yourself. Right now, they have five flavors with more on the way.

HOIST during training.

Up to the Test

While it is one thing to listen to a company and read the specs, it is another to put it to the test. The first one is training based while here in Arizona. I spent two long days in the Arizona sun enjoying the 7% humidity. All the while feeling the air suck the water out of my body. This was nothing new to me and was the perfect test because it was so familiar. Normally, I would consume at least a gallon of water during the session yet still feel beat at the end of the day. During this round, I drank two HOISTs during the day. Not only did it keep me hydrated, but I also felt significantly better at the end of the day and the next morning. The next test was a little less scientific yet applicable to so many people.

The core of SHOT Show is a series of short meetings centered around a bar somewhere. These relaxed settings lend themselves to off-the-record conversations regarding products and agreements on projects. In short, it is where business is done. The challenge though, especially for the less professional drinkers, is the aftermath in the morning. Now, many of you right now are reciting your magic pre-bed routine, but this time I simply drank a HOIST and hit the hay. The next morning, I not only dodged the regular fuzzy head but I also felt great. Now, I am sure the team at HOIST is not going to jump out and say that it is a hangover deterrent, but it certainly was in this case.

Ditch the Sugar for Good

Rare is the day that the hype around a product is real. That is the case with HOIST though. It tastes good, is light on the stomach and quickly rehydrates you. If you are ready to ditch the sugar drinks and other less-than-stellar solutions, then HOIST needs to be in your kit. For more information, visit

HOIST Celebrates Military with Team Red, White & Blue and Chadd Wright

The folks over at HOIST really support the troops. And to prove it, the company is teaming up with Team Red, White & Blue and Chadd Wright throughout the month of November, showing support and offering discounts to U.S. veterans!

“We’ve had the opportunity to work with many people who have served our country and are proud of the fact that HOIST is an approved hydration source for the U.S. Department of Defense,” said HOIST Co-Founder and Vice President of Sales Ben Schmidt. “It’s an honor to support service members and Veterans, not just on Veterans Day, but every day.”

Team Red, White & Blue supports more than 200,000 veterans across the country, guiding vets through the wellness journey. It offers both real-life and virtual opportunities, focusing on building a healthier lifestyle. Meanwhile, HOIST is teaming up with Navy SEAL Chadd Wright, sponsoring one lucky veteran to attend The Proving Ground 5 Troop, June 14-16, in Ellijay, Ga. The three-day excursion teaches advanced land navigation, leadership and mindset tactics.

HOIST Black Cherry

HOIST Black Cherry.

HOIST just dropped its latest flavor–Black Cherry. The new offering joins its lineup of IV-Level hydration, bringing yet another option to keep your levels where they need to be, whether training, hunting or on duty.

“We are ecstatic to unveil Black Cherry to our customers and the broader market,” said HOIST Co-Founder and Vice President of Sales Ben Schmidt. “Our team has worked tirelessly to create a flavor that exceeds the high standards our customers have come to expect from us. Black Cherry is a testament to our ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in the hydration beverage arena.”

Better still, you will now find HOIST drinks at select Kroger stores, beginning in 2024.

This article originally appeared in the June-July 2023 issue of Ballistic Magazine. Get your print or digital copy or subscription at

Ballistic cover June July 2023.