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How To Quit A Job: Without Getting Escorted Out By Security

Whether you’re looking for a fatter paycheck or needing to leave a work environment that’s turned toxic, most everyone is going to have to quit a job at some point. With more opportunities to work at home than ever, using the keyboard in your home office seems more attractive than the typical 9-to-5.

There's a right and wrong way to quit job before moving on to the next chapter in your life.

Bye Felicia! How To Quit A Job

Those company meetings, memos, and mindless chit-chat have drained your life force so much that working for yourself and being your own boss seems like a no-brainer. Whatever your situation, how an employee leaves the company can be critical to making a smooth transition. And hopefully, a better opportunity awaits.

“Human beings need to feel a connection to their work in order to thrive,” Ramsey Solutions Ken Coleman says. “They need to be passionate about the contributions they’re making with their lives. Otherwise, they become hopeless and believe the lie that their life doesn’t matter.”

In other words, no one wants to be another cog in the wheel.

Don’t Burn Your Bridges

Giving the boss the double birds as you slam the door on the way out may be a dream come true, but it may not be the most productive – or professional. Instead, leave the “take this job and shove it” approach to Johnny Paycheck.

A good rapport with a former employer can mean positive references in future job searches. That company may also be interested in keeping you as well, offering more money or even bringing you back for a better and more rewarding job.

Be honest and forthcoming with your boss when telling them you’ll be moving on. Express some appreciation for the opportunity and offer to stay for a couple of weeks to ease the transition. Any rational person would appreciate some straight shooting. And if you’ve been a good employee, the old boss should be happy for you.

Make things even smoother by offering to help new employees learn your duties. Even offer to assist in the new employee search. As the old saying goes, “kill ’em with kindness.” You may be quitting that job, but going out with some mutual respect is excellent for everyone involved.

However, those in more toxic environments may need to make a different type of exit. Vindictiveness and pettiness shouldn’t be tolerated. In this situation, a quicker exit may be required – but still minus the double birds.

Have Another Job Lined Up

Heading off to greener pastures actually requires some greener pastures. Everyone has bills, and that mortgage isn’t going to pay itself. American credit card debt rose 15% in the third quarter from the same time in 2021. That’s the highest since the 1980s, and Americans now have total credit card debt of $930 billion, coming up just short of a record, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Don’t be a statistic in that search for a new job. Instead, have that next step in your employment history already locked in. This means a smaller gap, and maybe no gap, in income.

Also, tell that new boss that you’re going to give your current company a couple of weeks’ notice so that Widgets Inc. can transition to a new person filling your role. Tell the new boss that you’d have that same respect and helpful attitude with them.

Any company that doesn’t understand that may not be a great environment. Find that job that offers some real motivation and is in an industry you love and are passionate about. A great management team is also a major plus, so ask questions about the atmosphere and expectations at the new place.

A job where employees watch the clock all day for 5 o’clock may not be super motivating. Don’t be like the Office Space Initech team.

If Starting A Business, Get Started Early

Estimates put the number of small businesses in the U.S. at about 33 million. Many Americans dream of ditching the cubicle scene and getting their hands dirty with great American capitalism. But leaving without a plan in place can leave a new business owner high and dry should things not pan out right away.

It’s not wise to jump for a boat that’s too far away from the dock. Instead, form that business plan and get started earlier with that new idea. Use nights and weekends to get your new endeavor off the ground, and having some extra savings also helps. Going from a nice well-paying job to zero income can be a recipe for disaster.

Instead, get that boat closer to the dock before jumping aboard and choosing to quit your job. When your new business is making some money, and that side income is getting closer to the day job salary, that’s a better time to make the leap.

When it comes to quitting that regular job and venturing out on your own, the Boy Scout motto of “being prepared” can literally pay big dividends.

“Some business owners dive in headfirst without looking and make things up as they go along,” Forbes notes. “The best way to accomplish any business or personal goal is to write out every possible step to achieve it. Then, order those steps by what needs to happen first. Some steps may take minutes, while others take a long time. The point is always to take the next step.”

One of those steps is leaving your own version of Dunder Mifflin behind.