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VIDEO: Bullet Exits Target and Flies Into Sky on Jackrabbit Hunt

The following is the seventh segment of Beast Master Hunting‘s “Kill of the Month.” Each month, Nick Atkinson, founder of Beast Master Hunting, will provide the Ballistic audience with first-hand video of his hunts. Enjoy!

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The video you see is filmed through my Trijicon MKIII 60MM thermal optic. The target is a large Texas jackrabbit and the shot is fired by a local rancher who was hunting with me on that night.

The Jackrabbit Hunt

Some nights are slower than others when it comes to varmint hunting. On those slow nights, when you are hunting with a rancher on his property and he wants to eliminate some rabbits, that becomes the hunt.

I once heard it said that seven jackrabbits eat as much grass as one cow. Is that true? Who knows? What I do know is, when you are out in the desert of West Texas, every blade of grass is valuable to a rancher.

Watch closely in this video and you can actually see the bullet exit the jackrabbit at an upward angle. It then falls back to the ground, along with a giant puff of fur floating in the air.

Enjoy this Beast Master Hunting “Kill of the Month!”

About the Author

A former police officer, professional competition shooter by day and professional varmint hunter by night — that sentence sums up Nick Atkinson’s career. Since 2012, Atkinson has traveled the country, competing at the pro level in national level 3-gun competitions. In 2016, Atkinson decided to take his hunting to the next level. Shortly after, he founded Beast Master Hunting.