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3 Book Recommendations That Actually Add Value to Your Life

You don’t need me to tell you why you should pick up a book every now and again. But in case you aren’t aware of the many benefits of reading, here are several: It reduces stress. It helps you to be more creative. Hell, it can help you live longer (science). But most importantly, it makes you smarter and basically helps society as a whole.

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Books offer different perspectives about people and the world. Reading can help improve your life fiscally and personally. There are a million reasons to read, and I am pretty sure you can spare 30 minutes away from Netflix to pick up a book. If you aren’t sure where to start, I have a few book recommendations that I am sure you will enjoy and more than likely get something out of.

Book Recommendations: “Lincoln on Leadership for Today” by Donald T. Phillips

I love history. I am sure I say it in almost every article I write and this one is no exception. History is important for everyone to learn because I do agree with the cliché that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. In school it isn’t viewed as a topic that deserves much attention or emphasis except by the people who teach it. Therefore, I encourage everyone to read about it as often as possible.

This book by Donald T. Phillips outlines who Abraham Lincoln was as a human being and as a leader. It’s a mirror of sorts that shows where we were and how today we face similar conundrums. Phillips reflects on how he believes Lincoln would handle the issues of our country and the affairs of the world today. Of course, we can’t be certain of what he alleges. However, Phillips comes to conclusions that seem logical based on how Lincoln approached situations that fall along similar lines.

This book is important to read because many of us in leadership positions have unfortunately never had a mentor in our lives that we consider to be a good example of it. If anything, we have adopted bad habits. We have a skewed version of what strong leadership qualities look like. If you ever find yourself concerned about how well you lead others — or if you think you are the greatest thing to ever happen to leadership — you should take a lesson from Abe. We all have room to grow in this area, and in every area of our lives. This book helps to bring forth an assessment of quality leaderships skills and gives good examples on how to apply them.

Book Recommendations: “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins

This book is more focused around self-development and getting out of your own way. As humans we develop a skill set early on that encompasses tools and habits that help us to survive, keep us safe, and maintain the status quo.

Written and developed by Mel Robbins, this theory of getting out of your own head is basically posing a challenge to all of us to get rid of the habits that at one point served us, but no longer do. The brain and your thoughts run the show. They do everything they can to tell you not to do something that could harm you. However, these ideas are also stop you from growing and developing into a better version of yourself. Where there is comfort, there is no growth.

Mel Robbins could not get out of bed in the morning. Her life was in absolute shambles. She would we hit the snooze button until well after her alarm went off. One morning she decided to countdown — “five, four, three, two, one” — and just get up before her brain could give her the laundry list of reasons not to. I know, it seems silly. When I first heard about this I thought, “My God, this is the gimmickiest crap I have ever heard.” But so did she. She thought it was the stupidest thing she had ever done, but it worked and kept working.

She found herself having those moments of five-second decisions all day long and she kept applying it and it kept working. This book outlines the actual science behind why this method works and how to best apply it into your own life. She emphasizes that no, it’s not an easy solution, but it is simple.

We all have those moments in the day when we are either staring up into the ceiling contemplating life, or we zone out staring into oblivion and someone has to snap us out of it. That is your brain going into overdrive of overthinking, so much so that it actually freezes you. This book helps to reverse those habits of going down the rabbit hole of thought. I encourage everyone to read it and give it a try.

Book Recommendations: “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo

I am going to throw that out there right now: This one is unorthodox. I read the book about tidying before her show on Netflix popped up. Have to say, I felt super cool being in the know about this before it became a TV show.

Marie Kondo talks about getting rid of “stuff”; the physical stuff that is strewn around our homes that overwhelm us constantly and we don’t know how to get a handle on it. She has a method to fix this and it involves getting rid of things that don’t bring you joy … now. You can’t just read that sentence and think you can apply it. There truly is a method to her madness; one that I think has helped me to take it and apply it to everything else in my life, not just in my home. But I think that the home is the perfect place to start.

Mix It Up

I gave you a few book recommendations that didn’t really correlate with one another on purpose. Variety is the best thing you can do when it comes to making selections on books. Open your mind. Broaden your horizons on your knowledge and I guarantee you might surprise yourself on what you enjoy learning. Happy reading!

Fan Book Recommendations

Books recommended by some of my very well rounded and awesome followers on Instagram:

  • @hatchet_jane; @protein.n.pancakes; @roguebarnstormer: “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius
  • @lizard.davis: “April 1865: The Month That Saved America” by Jay Winik
  • @heyashleighgray: “Make Your Bed” by Admiral William McRaven
  • @thebraveliltobster: “Old Man and the Sea” by Hemingway
  • @bschmitt77: “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu
  • @701chuck:“How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
  • @subduedmedia: “Founding Rivals” by Chris DeRose
  • @byrnesnoah: “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
  • @keavsman: “Civil Disobedience” by Thoreau
  • @thatonelonghairedguy: “100 Deadly Skills” by Clint Emerson
  • @richhile: “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown
  • @jdwilfong2169: “A Purpose Drive Life” by Rick Warren
  • @john.summers.12177 : “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John Maxwell