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Pennsylvania: Armed Homeowner Shoots Home Invasion Suspect

An attempted home invasion in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania ended with the intruder getting shot by the armed homeowner.

According to WPXI, the incident occurred at a home on West Main Street in the borough of Dayton. Police said 21-year-old Brandon Vallies attempted to break into a home through the kitchen door early last Saturday.

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Upon realizing what was happening, the homeowner armed himself and told Vallies to leave as he pushed through the door. The homeowner then drew his gun and opened fire, shooting Vallies once in the stomach.

The local District Attorney said the shooting was justified under castle doctrine, and the homeowner will not face any charges.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re 21 or 81,” said neighbor Lynore Rodia, who heard screaming coming from her neighbor’s house during the incident. “If somebody is breaking into your home, you have the right to defend. Doesn’t matter if you have a gun, a knife, fist or whatever you’ve got. You gotta protect.”

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Vallies is expected to recovery from his injuries. The homeowner does not wish to pursue charges, WPXI reported.

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