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VIDEO: Protestors Riot Across US Following George Floyd Death

The U.S. became a powder keg of protestors Wednesday following the brutal, tragic, senseless death of George Floyd in Minnesota. Though the Minneapolis Police Department immediately fired four of the police officers involved, many across the country protested for criminal prosecution and more. Meanwhile, others turned to violent rioting themselves, compounding an already explosive time in America.

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Protestors Riot Following George Floyd Death

Here’s what we know so far. Police detained George Floyd after responding to a call for alleged forgery. Floyd allegedly resisted arrest, so officers took him down and detained him. But the resulting video now gone viral spoke volumes. An officer seemingly squeezes the life out of Floyd, leaving millions outraged, demanding justice.

President Trump took to Twitter Wednesday, calling for justice. “At my request, the FBI and the Department of Justice are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd,” Trump tweeted. “I have asked for this investigation to be expedited and greatly appreciate all of the work done by local law enforcement. My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!”

Meanwhile, protestors clashed with police in Minnesota, but also in locales as far away as Memphis and Los Angeles. Crowds demanded for justice now, beginning with the arrest of the officer many believed murdered Floyd. But protest turned riotous.

“We don’t need that,” Floyd family attorney Ben Crump told “We need people focused on getting justice.”

Law Enforcement Leaders Denounce Actions

To that end, many law enforcement leaders across the county echoed Crump’s sentiment. They equally distanced themselves from Minneapolis police actions.

“Do not defend the undefendable, attempt to justify the unjustifiable or excuse the inexcusable,” Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina said on Twitter. “George Floyd should be alive today.”

“The lack of compassion, use of excessive force, or going beyond the scope of the law, doesn’t just tarnish our badge – it tears at the very fabric of race relations in this country,” Los Angles Police chief Michel Moore said, reported

Meanwhile, protests became violent Wednesday night, with images across the media landscape showing fires, looters and more. Somewhere along the way, rage turned to violence in the streets. At least one person died in Minneapolis during the protests, according to A Tweet from the Minnesota-based Star Tribune newspaper claimed that a pawn shop owner shot and killed a looter.

“The facts of what led up to the shooting are still being sorted out,” Minneapolis Police spokesman John Elder told USA Today. “We are truly in the infancy of this investigation.”