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Spartanburg County Woman Recommends Training After Burglary Incident

A Spartanburg County Woman arrived at her deceased mother’s home to find three burglars. Thankfully, she had recently obtained her South Carolina concealed-carry permit. She was also packing a .380 ACP pistol.

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According to WSPA, Lydia Stewart discovered the alleged intruders at the rear of the home. Stewart confronted them and ended up shooting one on the leg. The others she held at gunpoint until police arrived. Campobello Police officers arrested Carolynn Michelle Crocker, 37, of Boiling Springs and Amanda Gail Tuck, 39, of Chesnee at the scene. Police plan to book the third suspect, Wes Anderson, once he is released from the hospital.

Apparently, someone had burglarized the property a couple of weeks previous. Police believe the same suspects were involved, and had come back for more.

Spartanburg County Woman Just Received Permit

According to reports, Stewart has been a firearms instructor for years. However, she only recently decided to get a permit to carry. In fact, Stewart finished the class just three weeks prior. She credits the class for helping her make good decisions in the incident, and recommends that all women obtain the means to protect themselves.

“It’s something else when you come into a home and you didn’t know that somebody’s there, so we need to be ready,” Stewart said. “I can’t sleep at night. I’ve got stomach problems, but I’ll get over it and I’ll get on with my life.”

South Carolina law requires residents take a training class before obtaining a permit. The class must include a firearms safety segment, participants must pass both a written exam and a 50-round shooting test.

Now many consider requiring a class to obtain a permit unnecessary, or even illegal. However, training is truly important for gun owners. Mandating it, though, might be a bit overboard. There are, however, states that have tiered levels of permits. In these states, some carry via Constitutional carry, or go through background check to be able to carry in other states. However, Those who obtain specified training can carry in more locations, including places that are typically off limits to gun carry.