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Tank Tough Hunters | Survival Knives Review


Warren, Michigan was the home of the Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant where they made one quarter of the 89,568 Sherman tanks used during World War II as well as the modern M-1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT). It’s still the home of the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM). With a history like that, you’ve got to expect some tough stuff to come out of Warren. Enter local knife maker Nick Allen. I first handled one of Nick Allen’s knives while on a camping trip last fall. I was immediately impressed with the obvious craftsmanship and strength of the design. You could tell that this was a working blade—elegant in its simplicity, yet it had a distinctive style to it. I wasn’t home from that trip very long before I contacted Nick to discuss doing a review of his knives.

nick-allen2.gifAbout The Maker
Nick Allen is a 35-year-old knife maker who lives and works in Warren, Michigan. His current knife shop is part of the building where he is employed as a metric fasteners and cutting tools salesman. He doesn’t claim any special skills or background, but he says he is a perfectionist and that he won’t hesitate to start a project over if it isn’t done just right.