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Be Your Own Boss: The Rise Of Cowboi Cole

How did I become the great Cowboi Cole that stands before you today? Why, I came out of the womb with spurs on and a rope in my hand. Well not really but I was fortunate enough to grow up in a rodeo family. My dad was a bareback rider so I spent a lot of time riding the spur board as a kid. I Rode steers for a little bit but all my friends roped and all my cousins roped and steer wrestled so it was only a matter of time until I switched from rough stock to the timed event full-time.

Cowboi Cole was created when my cowboy side collided with my creative side.
(Photo by Cowboi Cole)

The Early Days Of Cowboi Cole

I grew up west of Okotoks in the Foothills at the base of the Rocky Mountains, close to all the big rodeos in Alberta and close to guys who roped really well. I was only an hour from Chase and Levi Simpson. Levi is now a world champion header and Chase is no slouch either, having won a Canadian title heading and has made the Canadian Finals Rodeo both heading and heeling.

Cowboi Cole was created when my cowboy side collided with my creative side. Having always been quirky, creative, and quick-witted, I was always cracking jokes and writing jokes about the situations I was in. Whether it was a rodeo and Western lifestyle-related or not, my brain is always twisting things comedically. I basically reached a point in my personal life where I was tired of feeling like I was being someone else and leaned fully into my creative rhythm all while being true to myself as a cowboy. And boom, Cowboi Cole was formed.

Make Em’ Laugh A Little

Let’s be real, talking to girls can already be intimidating. But one thing I do know is if you can make them laugh you’ve got a chance. I was tired of the same old lame pick-up lines you hear when you’re telling jokes and stories with the boys. I wanted to change that. Covid was pretty rough up in Canada with the lockdowns and restrictions. During the height of it, I had nothing but time on my hands so I grabbed my joke book and a pen and started building pick-up lines that people in the Western culture can relate to and have a good laugh. And to be honest, some of them work very well! The videos started getting shared and I started to grow on my social media accounts but I wasn’t sure yet which direction I wanted to take it.

It was really only recently, within the last year, that I took a big step back and started looking at it from a business standpoint and trying to figure out how I make this a full-time gig. When I’m not Cowboi Cole’ing I’m working in the film industry, surrounded by creatives and helping someone else make their production dream real. Now, in 2023, I’ve found myself surrounded by like-minded creators who want to help me make my production dreams. It’s so easy to get caught up in the fun of being a “social media influencer” but on the grand scale I have a real opportunity to build a dream life and I’m psyched to wake up each day and work my system.

Companies like Ariat, Lone River Ranch Water, Cactus Ropes, and more all support Cowboi Cole.
(Photo by Cowboi Cole)

From Social Media to Standup Comedy

I don’t want to give the false impression that getting a bunch of social media followers magically opened a bunch of doors. I started doing stand-up comedy prior to Cowboi Cole taking off on social media. Stand-up has been such a fun, weird, and scary transition with my comedy. First getting started with stand-up back in 2019 it’s all on you. You have to reach out to producers, get on open mics, and do your time. And as a cowboy who lives an hour from any open mic, I put in a lot of late nights after work going into the city to get stage time. It’s 2023 and I’m still doing time but fortunately, I’ve reached a point now with my material that producers will reach out and ask me to come do 5 mins here and 10 mins there and I’m very fortunate for that.

Cowboy Channel Canada was out of the pure hustle. I steadily DM’d, emailed, and called that place for months! Then one evening while making spaghetti I get a phone call from a number I didn’t know and it was the head producer for CCC! That was in 2021. Now in 2023 that producer has become a mentor and has given me huge opportunities within the TV realm having written, hosted, and co-produced two tv shows based on the Canadian Finals Rodeo, lead commentator for rodeo live streams, and general production involvement that has helped me learn and upgrade my own content.

If you loved this story, be sure to check this out: Championship Living

Some of the sponsorship opportunities that have come from putting out comedic content have blown my mind. People who I never would’ve thought have reached out, loved what I’m doing and want to be a part of it and I couldn’t be more stoked. Companies like Ariat, Lone River Ranch Water, Cactus Ropes, and more. And now having announced my return to full-time professional rodeo in Canada I’ve had local companies step up and want to help support me to go down the road so I can put out the kind of content I want to put out. Bringing people that real behind-the-scenes life of what rodeo athletes go through to chase the dream!

Make it Happen

When it comes to advice for any other entrepreneurs out there, I say take the time to dial in what makes you happy. And I mean really take the time. Go be around it, see it, live it. You’ll know pretty quickly if it’s the right fit. I spent too much time working on things that didn’t click for me and now that I feel like I’m walking my path it’s incredible how quickly things have happened. And opportunities you never planned on pop up all the time. So figure out what makes you happy. Also, enjoy the process. There’s no need to be in a rush. We all walk our own path at our own pace so don’t worry about what Joe Blow is doing over there. Take care of what’s in your power and the rest will sort itself out!